
Again not a phobia, but I loathe the feeling of biting foamy things. Yet I still do it to remind myself that I hate it..

My bf is like this only he he can't stand other people biting it or touching it. I can be quite evil and sometimes chuck him a sponge "here catch" and it freaks him out out when he catches it and realises what it is.

He also hates looking at barnacles clustered on ropes or rocks, mushrooms growing and when one of my rats had mites he was grossed out. He says he wants to burn them! :eek:
I have a phobia of being close to toilets. :o

I cannot clean the toilet at home, nor can I change the freshner in the cage, I can just about cope with dropping a blue square into the cistern.

My GF thinks I have this problem too....

More fool her.. HA! :D
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