Tumble dryer in the garage?

22 May 2003
Howdy folks. I have recently moved house into a property that does not have a tumble dryer. I view one as pretty much essential for life so will buy one.

The only place for it is in the garage. Obviously this will get cold in the winter. I guess dust might be a potential problem too, as the garage has a concrete floor. However, I could get a large rubber mat to put the machine on to minimise this.

I was wondering whether anyone has experience of running a dryer in a garage? I'm assuming a condensing one will be best, as I will be unable to drill a hole in the wall to exhaust via a vent. Also the electricity socket is poorly located to be able to be able to chuck a hose out of the back door.

Does anyone have any recommendations for a reliable and good value for money machine?
We have a similar model to the one maccapacca has linked to (i think its the exxcel version so perhaps the model up?) in one of our out houses.

Its been out there 2 years, and its been absolutely fine. Just note that whilst they do condense most of the water, we have still had some paint flake off the wall behind the machine which may or may not be anything to do with the dryer.

The out house whilst not heated does have the bolier in it so is never truly at outside temperatures.
I have asked and this is the best option I have.

I certainly don't want to vent inside the garage, as I have my bike and tools in there. To me it seems like a condensing one would be best if it is effective in the environment.
Well if you are set on a condenser, get a White Knight. they are bomb proof, cheap and should anything ever go wrong the spares are cheap and they are very easy to service.
There's a place close to me that does a small range of dryers, including White Knight at seemingly competitive prices, especially when collected. Any opinions on their range?


I guess the White Knight and Hotpoint at £235 are the top of my budget.

Alternatively I could look to buy a used one for a lot less. This one is quite close, but seems to have an issue with fluff getting stuck in the door. No idea whether this will effect performance though:


Having a window may be pointless...
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Don't buy a Hotpoint, it is an Indesit machine with the price hiked up. They have a bearing that wears regularly and the belts are a pain to change on certain models.

That Hoover (it is a Candy product by the way) has two sensors that fail and they are a pig to change.

White Knight, reliable, serviceable, the parts are cheap and readily available.
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We have a condenser dryer in a (damp) garage with no issues at all, its an old Indesit IDC75

Ive had to do a belt, an element and a pulley over the years but it gets very heavy use, id happy have another one. The parts are dirt cheap.
Thanks for the extra detail and information. There does seem to have been a lot of consolidation in the tumble dryer market!

Regarding the White Knight models, would it be worth going for a more sophisticated machine in the B96M8W over the more basic C77AW? It is only a little more expensive, but I think it would put me at the mercy of programmes and a sensor for drying instead of being able to set a time.

Are programmes and sensors generally accurate?
Another vote on the indesit IDC75, it seems to be on constantly since we bought it around 6 years ago. Its really cheap for parts, the bearing cost around £6 and pulley was less than £10 and very easy to work on.

We have it in the kictchen but its great as it also warms the house up.
I just went for the Beko DCU6130W (condensor and sensor drying) using the 20% off code from Ebay and got it from AO ebay site - took the price down to £150 and free delivery, can call them up and get it anyday you want for free. Perfect.

Did'nt plan on getting one untill winter, but it was rude not to take advantage of this code.
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