Tunes for boxing

Woman of Honour
Man of Honour
2 Aug 2004
I don't *think* this should go in Music and Box Office because I want the opinion of gym/boxing people not film/music buffs :)

What tracks do you punch the life out of the punch bag to?

No cookies for 'Rocky theme' 'eye of the tiger' etc etc.

I need a tracklist to box to and need some ideas.

Thanking you.

BB x
I'm going to assume you live in Brighton, BrightonBelle... where do you box? Just at a gym or are you a member of a club?

To answer your question, I don't listen to music while shadowing or hitting the bag, I don't think I could keep the right level of concentration if I was. Each to their own though :)
Metallica - Broken Beaten and Scarred is a good one to go mad on the heavy bag. My "power" songs are pretty much all Metallica, stuff like "Battery", "Master of Puppets" and then the entire "Death Magnetic" album really.

I do know a guy however who does pad work while listening to Marvin Gaye so :)
I used to like listening to Kante More Yeke Yeke.

It was quite a good tune to bang a bag and spar to.

I quite fancy going back to boxing but it would have to be for keep fit only. At nearly 36, I am getting too old to scrap.
Agree that it is personal preference more than anything. I quite happily put ClassicFM on when i'm in my garage!
I've been known to train to Soul, Chillout, Soulful House and mellow D&B. Certain things will float my boat depending on what I'm doing. If it's a leg day though then that's a different kettle of fish!
I usually listen to mainly rock/metal but I enjoy training (martial arts + gym) to anything with a decent tempo.

and honorable mention goes to
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I'm going to assume you live in Brighton, BrightonBelle... where do you box? Just at a gym or are you a member of a club?

Am from Brighton but currently in London. We have a ring and various punchbags at my gym :)

I quite fancy going back to boxing but it would have to be for keep fit only. At nearly 36, I am getting too old to scrap.

You are well old Von! :p

Thanks for all of the suggestions guys I will check them out.

BB x
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