I am taking a quite irrational approach to turbo.
If the chip runs too hot, uses too much power or draws too much current, it is designed to throttle. It flicks back to non-turbo mode many times a second, spending more and more time on the lower multi as it gets hotter. I believe some boards can stop this throttling. However this makes turbo mode looks rather like bribing people to use speed step. A higher multi, fine. Enforced speed step, absolutely not. I want to be able to choose whether to use speed step or not.
Second, Intel are keen on these 'self overclocking chips', and I believe the i5 do it to an even greater extent. Firstly this is a cop out, "our chip will run at 3.8ghz but only if you use half the cores and don't let it get too hot" is cheating. Secondly, I predict posts in the future to the effect of "my processor is at 4ghz and its cool cos I only ever use word so it never throttles" which will enrage me.
So, I choose not to use it. Firstly to make my small point that I don't approve, and don't want Intel to go down this road. Secondly because I don't want the chip multiplier hopping around all over the place when running close to its limits, there is no way in which this can be good for stability or the lifespan of the chip.
I don't expect people to agree, but I believe in this.