turn based games suggestions?

9 Dec 2006
looking for some good turn based games

X-com - fun but not really into space to much
Civ 4 - fun but can take an age to get into the fun stuff
Ometra - not much depth at all :(

other suggestions please? will try all types including space
Silent Storm is 70% off on GOG I picked it up a couple of days ago myself. It`s great so far, has destructible environments and projectile physics and all the good stuff from Xcom down to micro managing what ammo you carry or which way your soldiers face during battle etc


does darkest dungeon have good amount of content already, i got a week off will it keep me entertained?
Depends how much you intend to play each day. A couple of hours each day and it'd be fine. A full days playing and you'd be pushing to get more than 1 day out of it as it is in it's current state.

I also recommend X:Com Long War, great game mod and The Banner Sage if you're looking for something with a slower pace.

EDIT: Turn-based... how could anyone look past Hearthstone?
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Just got Baldurs Gate 2 on my Android, digging out my original disks for reinstalling on pc. Never actually got into this 1st time round, but now I am addicted..
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