turn based games suggestions?

old school battle isle, completed it :)

Im just playing enemy within, but its very similar unknown so I think I should have done long war

Battle Isle 2 is one of my all time favourite games, and is never uninstalled :p

In fact I'm currently trying to disassemble it (aka bashing my head against a brick wall), to give the AI a bit of a helping hand ;) Like unlimited fuel, ammo, etc.

Aside from the cheesy ways you can make the AI do stupid things, BI2 is amazing fun. Sadly the AI by default is dumb, relying on overwhelming numbers to present any kind of challenge.
I think its because its an old game. In the last parts of the game, the computers turn could take over 12 hours to calculate. I had to leave the game running forever to complete, dont think I was allowed save mid battle. Now we got cpu cycles to spare they could do so much more.
I just built up elite units, bit like xcom you want troops that dont miss
One that seems to have gone under the radar that is well worth checking out is Expeditions Conquistador.

Bit like Xcom and Heroes of Might and Magic in a very cool historical setting.

Also the Kings Bounty games are awesome and well worth exploring.
The Banner Saga is very good too. Excellent story, based in early viking age and a sprinkling of its mythology added. I recently bought it for my Android phone (no mobile reception in work), but will certainly pick it up when it next hit the sales on Steam.
Kings Bounty can be quite addictive if you like fantasy settings.

I also like all of the Heroes of Might and Magic games (though IV was a bit ropey).

I'd definitely second Crusader Kings II as well. It's a bit different to other turn-based games, being based on your dynasty and involving focus on marriage, family and succession of rule as well as realm management and war. It's really great.

Warlock I and II are kind of like Civ in a high fantasy setting. Not as much depth as Civ, but still fun games and with the bonus that they take much less time than Civ marathons.
Endless Legends is totally brilliant. It even has that Game of Thrones feel to it, when you explore the map & when you build new buildings.
Someone said Shadowrun Returns: standard shadow run campaign; but its all the player made campaigns that make it awesome; but then they did Shadowrun Returns: Dragonfall and OMG seriously game of the year contender for me at least and all the other good stuff people made.

Can do a video if you like......will have to check Endless Legends
Not sure how no-one has mentioned this, altho I only just remembered it after seeing the new version on the weekly humble bundle ....

frozen synapse :D

runs native on linux :)

Just about to get the humble bundle which has frozen synapse prime.
The original was/is brilliant but prime has some bad reviews. ( also prime seems to be windows only :( )
The king of all turn based strategy shooters is Jagged Alliance 2. If you like the combat in XCom but with realistic weapons, then this is the game you want. Can be had for peanuts.
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