turn based games

Age of Wonders had me hooked for a while, although Rome Total War is sort of turn based, and one of my all time favourite games :)
I couldnt get into Civ 4 either, i dont know why. Didnt seem like i had to do anything. Just press enter repeatadly.

You could argue that Star Wars KOTOR is turn based...
LabR@t said:
just seemed a little confusing ?? Or do i stick with it, i must admit i only played for like 1hr or summin

Did you try the tutorial?

I found Civ a little challenging to begin with. All the complex city management screens threw me a bit.
I stuck with it though and now it's my favourite game, bordering on an addiction. :(

On second thought then, maybe you'd be best off leaving it well alone! :D
uk_viper said:
Master Of Orion 3, although its now a bit outdated, but maybe what your looking for

I actually prefer Master of Orion 2 for its gameplay - MOO3 was overcomplicating things a little. MOO2 and 3 are still pretty games (nothing too fancy, they just work well).

I've also got fond memories of MOO1, though it was outdone in every way by MOO2.
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