turn based games

LabR@t said:
anyone know of some good turn based games , tried civ4 couldn;t get into that really.

Civ4 is the best turn based game.
Civ3 is the 2nd-best turn based game.
Civ2 is the 3rd-best turn based game.
Civ is the 4th-best turn based game.

Some people might rank civ2 higher than me, but that's about the gist of it.
Dace said:
I've also got fond memories of MOO1, though it was outdone in every way by MOO2.

Moo2 had some good stuff, but was let down a bit by the huge fleet battles, where in MoO1 you had 'stacks' of ships (upto 32000 :o). I still play Moo2 on occasion, absolutely superb game. I love capturing the invading Antaran ships and stealing their tech early in the game. :o
Kami said:
I miss the old XCOM games, played them for hours and I enjoyed every minute of it wish they'd come out with something like them again!

Laser Squad Nemesis ?

never really gotten that into advance wars ... maybe im missing something but it doesn't seem that complex or hard to beat
I clean forgot that The Lord of the Rings, The Battle for Middle-earth II has the "war of the rings" play mode, which is a turn-based stratergy game where you can still resolve battles in real time. I can tell you friday whether this part of the game is any good.
Nothing, and i mean nothing will eat your time more than any of the Civ series. When you are still playing at 5am as the sun breaks through the early morning mist, your tanks being defeated by spearmen, and you curse the fact you said 7 hours ago "Damn those Chinese, I am going to war", you will know what addiction to Civ is.

My name is Matt and I'm a civoholic.
I've already downloaded Galactic Civs II and have played it a lot, its great fun once you get into and the tutorials are all video (watch and learn) which makes things nice and easy, they work very well. 8 or 9/10 overal from me, really enjoying it.
hood1971 said:
I clean forgot that The Lord of the Rings, The Battle for Middle-earth II has the "war of the rings" play mode, which is a turn-based stratergy game where you can still resolve battles in real time. I can tell you friday whether this part of the game is any good.

Oh wondered what that was, have just been playing through the good campaign... might have to give the turn based part a go:)
Dace said:
I actually prefer Master of Orion 2 for its gameplay - MOO3 was overcomplicating things a little. MOO2 and 3 are still pretty games (nothing too fancy, they just work well).

I've also got fond memories of MOO1, though it was outdone in every way by MOO2.

yeah i would agree, MOO2 was better, i got confused with MOO3 aswell, the first one i never played
Anyone looked at shattered union its like an updated battle Isle, which as far as im concerned is the daddy of turn based strategy games!
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