Tenzen said:
This market will come crashing down, real income is falling drastically in relation to provision of services and goods. Believe you me, it will not last forever! Just like it has NEVER EVER lasted in the entire course of history...oh wait its different this time....now where have I heard THAT befoer...oh yes! From bank managers and those with a vested interested in selling DEBT!
Depends what you define as a crash
1980's it was 27% down in London and 13% down accross the country. If you bought before 2003 you should still be into the positive as prices have risen by more than that. So your theory of this awful crash is somewhat dashed to homeowners of 4yrs+. Further look at New York and Tokyo in comparison to London. In London a high earner can still buy a property, in NYC and Tokyo rental culture is dominant as no-one can afford the extremely high prices.
Further, as Mr bank manager pointed out, the economy is run far better now then it was back then. Also banks lending 100% mortgages would suggest that a slump involving negative equity would be terrible with nearly all those 100% being quite severely screwed. So it must be avoided.
There has been talk of a crash for YEARS. Currently in America and in the UK weaker buyers are unable to meet repyaments due to the now higher interest rates - so prices may drop slightly as reposessions come onto the market. But it's not as if there are 1,000s of repossessions, they are a severe minority.
Interest rates were low for years that it was inevitable they would rise. They have now done that butm as previously said, this will level out.
I think one important marker will be next years budget, the next general election, and the first budget of that premiership. Some economic stability, dependant on the US as well, should hopefully follow.
But i shall be looking to buy in Spring 2008.