Twenty years ago

Not much being said/done at work for it, had the senna day filmed months back, hope to see some things aired during Barcelona.
Currently sat in the hotels restaurant in Imola!! Their having a four day tribute to Senna and Ratzenberger and today their was a huge turnout. Especially for the memorial event at Tambourello. It went eerily silent :( before a round of applause and the chanting ole ole ole ola senna senna..... Alonso, Raikonnen, De La Rosa were here today along with drivers of senna era berger, patrese, De chesaris etc.... here until Monday so I will post pics and vids when I'm back in the UK.
Still remember this fateful weekend.

Senna had a very special talent, an incredible driver, if a little flawed. He was and still is such an inspiration to his country and missed greatly.

I remember well the battles Senna had with Mansell and Prost.

Also we must not forget Ratzenberger who also lost his life, and how lucky Rubens was to walk away from his accident.

RIP Senna & Roland
Read the thread please dude.

Your 2nd post had nothing to do with mine

It IS motor racing after all - however tragic a loss of life is in the circumstances.

(and dont start the conversation if you dont want it debated at all)
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