Two IDE Drives on one External Conection?

7 Feb 2007
1st post, so take it easy ;)

I recently built a new system with just the one IDE on the mobo, this is used by the two pioneer DVDRWs. I've only the one SATA drive so-far, but plan to get another SATA (large one - 300g+) for my music etc.
Iam currently able to access the files on the two IDE drives via an external case (one at a time of course), the case is USB2.0 and I can easily get to the connections, and Iam wondering about modding it to connect the two IDE's thus having them both run of the one USB 2.0 connection.

Before i go and warm up the solder, can anyone foresee any problems with this plan? like runing the two IDE's of 1 USB2 conection.

Im considering building a small case for these two IDES with a basic(ish) air cooling system and using the existing connectors from the external enclosure.
I'm sure someone on here's done something similar like that. I have a feeling it was just a case of adding another connector to the IDE cable in the caddy. The only possible issue is power - the brick for the caddy might struggle to power a pair of disks.

The IDE controller on a motherboard or in one of these USB caddies is really simple, the actual controller electronics are on the drives themselves. Setting a drive as a slave just disables the onboard controller to allow the master to control both.
rpstewart said:
I'm sure someone on here's done something similar like that. I have a feeling it was just a case of adding another connector to the IDE cable in the caddy. The only possible issue is power - the brick for the caddy might struggle to power a pair of disks.

I had thought of that [honest] was thinking of using an old case with a small power supply to run to the two drives.
This would also give the unit extra juice to run a couple of fans in the box
[now wondering about power for the fans - is the power that runs out of a standard PSU suitable to run to a couple of fans?]
Just as a note, I have a PCI card with two IDE connections on it [Raid card], but I'd rather not use this - Iam about to attempt my first real overclock, so Iam trying to keep the temp in the case down, hence I dont really want to put the two IDEs in the main case.
maybe use the pci card for connections an use a long ide cable/cables to put the hdd`s in an external case of some sort by the side of the pc?also if you got molex extension cables or soldered up an extra long one you could do it that way :)
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