Two match ban for swearing!

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So there's not a single kid in the country with a poster of a footballer on his or her wall, name on the back of the shirt etc etc.

Oh don't be so naive, of course footballers are role models and idols. How many kids do you see playing down the park trying to copy the skills and mannerisms of their favourite footballers?

They are not employed as Role Models though, so just because the media portray them as such is irrelevant.

May as well say the same about Pop Stars/Actors/Media Personalities etc.

Some are better role models than others, but it isn't a requirement of their contract to be so.
This is a clear tinfoil hat case.

Nothing anyone else says in favour of the ban will make a blind bit of difference.

Rooney was wrong to swear directly into camera, kids of all ages and all clubs were watching and he got rightly punished.

I'd be supporting the FA on this matter if this was any player.

But the issue is the comparative nature of the punishment, not that he was punished.
the guy is a nasty thug and an all-round disgusting human being. I'd throw random bans at him just for that.

Have you met him?

Seems somewhat arbitrary to call someone a disgusting human being simply because he plays for a rival team, or that he uses profanity on occasion.
Or hires whores to shag while his young wife is pregnant?! After already doing the same thing before .. with a granny. Or holds Man Utd to ransom for obscene wages that only he thinks he's worth?

Everyone does daft things, especially when they are young. It hardly makes him a despicable human being however. He is a football player, not Stalin.

I would be very careful of judging someone's character to such extremes based on tabloid news stories to be honest, but then that's me, I like like to judge people on my own experience not simply hate because I'm told to.
Footballers do have a large social responsibility and that's partly why they're paid so well, don't know how you could be so naive to this fact (besides being a Man Utd fan)

There are paid for the talent and success they bring to a football club, not because they have some innate social responsibility.

They are sportmen not social workers or politicians, there is no social governance criteria in being a footballer.
Ok, good for you Castiel, that other guy is different and chooses to frown on people with young families who repeatedly shag whores (and 99% of non Man Utd fans)

Like I said you don't know the truth of any given situation, only what Tabloid journalists tell you.

So Rooney has made mistakes in his life, who hasn't. That doesn't make him evil or any different from many young men in their twenties in fact.

Given where he comes from and his education level, he is in fact a model citizen in comparison to his childhood peer group.

It's not exactly in their job description but you're being massively obtuse if you deny that they affect society, the good money says you're a Man Utd fan too

It's almost as though you're trying to paint Rooney as even remotely likeable, strange

I affect society, we all do in one way or another, does that mean I have to shoulder the responsibility for society as well?

It is as if you are painting Rooney as some evil demi-god that should be held accountable for the ills of society when in fact he is just a 25 year old sportsman who you have an irrational partisan hatred of and you are projecting that onto him to salve your own jealousy and innate self-hatred.

I don't read the papers but you'll find that nearly everybody in the country dislikes Rooney, take your head out of the sand, why do you think the whole of Upton Park abused him? Because he's a fine young fellow with a good attitude, a dedicated family man, always polite, always sincere, or because he's deeply dislikeable?

Why do you think that the whole of Upton Park were racially abusing their own players?

Because black people are somehow inferior, or because football crowds are filled with racists and idiots.

Get over yourself, you sound half-crazed with projected self-loathing.
I can't stand Rooney, I don't know many people that like him. I'd say he's probably a lot less liked than Terry or Ashley.

I'm happy with them if they play well for England, of course.

he is an extremely unpleasant character, then again I don't know many Man U fans that would defend him as a person

What do you base those accusations of his character on, tabloid news articles?

He is no worse than many people from his demographic, in many ways he is better. He certainly is not some morally corrupt, deviant human being like many are trying to make him out to be.
that in no way makes his behaviour acceptable

It also doesn't make him public enemy no1.

No mention of the charities he supports, including UNICEF, SOS Children's villages along with supporting causes on homelessness in Manchester, Orphans, and participating in school initiatives. He and his wife gave their wedding gifts (they asked that donations be made instead) to the Alder hay Hospital and Claire House Children's hospice.

Hardly the portfolio of a morally bankrupt individual. All he is guilty of is being stupid on occasion, nothing more and judging someone's character on the basis of a few tabloid stories and chanting at football stadiums is disingenuous.
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correct it does not but he falls well short in respect of what the majority of decent people would consider acceptable conduct

It is a shame then that the majority of 'decent' people act the way they do at football matches and forget that they themselves are guilty of swearing on occasion and making similar mistakes, especially when young.

We only have to see the threads on this very forum to see what people see as acceptable when it comes to monogamy, profanity, general conduct, tolerance, etc....

Rooney isn't so very different from anyone his age and background, he is simply being held to a higher standard because he is in the public eye.
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25 years old is well into adulthood. By now the petulance and stupidity should have moved on a touch, but he's still the same brat he was.

25 is still young. People mature at different rates. What I found acceptable behaviour at 25, I wouldn't now.
No, but I'm using my judgement based on the evidence I have telling me that he's more likely to be a revolting individual than not. General demeanour and behaviour on the pitch that is, nothing to do with what's in the papers. It is somewhat arbitrary yes, but that's the impression I get of him.

I'm sure even you make judgements about people without meeting them Castiel.

I make judgements all the time, however I don't voice them as fact until I have met someone or at least know far more about them, I also do not make judgements of someone's character based on who they work for or by some set of partisan criteria as you are doing.

I could infer the same arbitrary judgement about you purely based on your posts in this thread, that would hardly be fair, or indeed representative of your character in reality though, would it?
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it was broadcast in 211 countries, i said nearly 250 countries when i suppose what i should have said is over 200, is it really that big a deal, you're just being picky.

Is that 211 countries a verifiable fact? or are you simply making stuff up again.

According to the World Atlas there are not 211 countries in the world.

The maximum seems to be 195 independent countries at this current time.

Are they broadcasting to secret human colonies on Proxima Centuri as well I wonder?:rolleyes:

If you cannot get something as simple as that correct, how are we supposed to take anything you say as fact with any confidence.
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Next on BBC2, Tribe with Bruce Parry.

"I'm deep in the Amazon, visiting the Bungu Bungu tribe. Look, here's the chief now."
"What, ****ing what?"


Chief Abimbola of the Bungu Bungu tribe wearing his "Rooney" Man U shirt....

I think it is very socially minded of Rooney to teach tribal people the essence of the English Language. He should be rewarded for his social conscience and unselfish efforts in international development and relations.
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