Two memorable work life lessons?

29 Dec 2014
Just as a bit of fun,

What are two simple, work life lessons you've learnt over the years? two things which have stuck with you - maybe there was an incident, somebody got fired or you got a promotion/advancement, and out of it - you learnt something, if so - what was it?

Two of mine are;

Slow and steady wins the race: If I had a pound for every time I've watched someone (includes me at one point) go 'hell for leather' at something, too fast - make a huge mess, miss important details or just add to existing chaos, I'd be very rich.

Perfect is the enemy of good: Sometimes you start out with this perfect vision of something, but after a while the pursuit of perfection simply leads to an overcomplicated mess, or absolutely nothing, where it would have been better to just make something 'half decent' and iterate, to make it 'very good' instead.
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18 Oct 2002
If you die, your replacement will be in your seat before your funeral. You're a cog in the pyramidal machine generating money for only those at the top. Don't bust a gut
True, but then with that attitude you will never get the key promotions and bigger bonuses.

You have to find a balance but it can also be rewarding working hard to ensure success while doing the absolute minimum not to get fired is boring
20 Feb 2011
True, but then with that attitude you will never get the key promotions and bigger bonuses.

You have to find a balance but it can also be rewarding working hard to ensure success while doing the absolute minimum not to get fired is boring
Depends where you work. You’re right in a way as I left the unrewarding organisation I worked for and now work hard for myself!
24 Sep 2007
Listening carefully to people is a great skill to have. You learn more by listening than you do talking. Try not to interrupt other people and let them finish.

Never tell other people what you really think of them if it's bad. Try and find something good to say about them even if that's difficult.
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17 Nov 2005
Swindon, UK
High risk, high reward*
*But find the balancing point that works for you

Try and find someone you completely trust in your workplace with confidentiality to moan about your job and get every bit of negativity off your chest.
25 Aug 2006
Never tell other people what you really think of them if it's bad. Try and find something good to say about them even if that's difficult.

Had this today funnily enough! Someone produced a piece of work that was sub-standard which i tasked to someone else who smashed it. When discussing the work with boss, it was a case of "A, did a good bit of work in building the foundation of the investigation and report, but B took it over and built it to what it is now".
31 Aug 2021
Back in the early 90’s my boss advised me to do the job at work that no one else likes to do and do it well, be invaluable.
I’ve worked at a few places that have laid off staff and my name has never come up.
18 Oct 2002
Had this today funnily enough! Someone produced a piece of work that was sub-standard which i tasked to someone else who smashed it. When discussing the work with boss, it was a case of "A, did a good bit of work in building the foundation of the investigation and report, but B took it over and built it to what it is now".
You also have to consider why someone did a bad job. Was the work properly scoped, did they get support when requested, did peers see they were struggling and try and lend a hand, did requirements constantly change, was the project ever feasible, was the problem simply to complex for the level of the employee,?
24 Sep 2007
Try and find someone you completely trust in your workplace with confidentiality to moan about your job and get every bit of negativity off your chest.

Personally I don't agree with this. Firstly, you can never completely trust anyone. Secondly, there is no such thing as confidentiality as you never know what they are saying when you're not there. Thirdly, moaning is a bad habit to get into, even moaning to yourself. Moaning is just a waste of breath and brain processing time, it will get you nowhere. It is best to focus on the next little thing you can do to make progress, rather than do any moaning.

If you have to moan, then don't do it to anyone at work, better to find a tree, garden wall, cat or dog to moan to. It will achieve as much, but no one will ever know you are moaning! Also, any form of moaning is perceived by others as a weakness.

Just my view. :cool:
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