two samsung HD different temp?

23 Apr 2006
I am not sure this is normal.
I have 2 samsung HD

Samsung SpinPoint P SP2004C 200GB SATA-II 8MB Cache
use as main HD all the windows and program file are in there
Temp 38 - 41


Samsung SpinPoint P SP2504C 250GB SATA-II 8MB Cache
Most of them are clips and photos
Temp 32 - 38

Here is my case info
2 HD are in lower chamber of P180 with minimal air cool from PSU fan.
They are about 1.5 iches away from each other and the side panel.

What worrys me is why 2 of the hard drive are not operate at same temperature? the 200GB seems to be a bit hotter.
please advice
Thanks for the info.

The position the two hardrive 1.5 iches apart in horizontal.

What i do not understand is why same series of Hardrive and only have 25 gb per plate different would give this much of temp. different... 6 C ... strange but true...
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