types of internet intranet

Spend_day said:
hey hey
im doing a project for college (national dip in IT) anyway i need to find out about what types of internet and intranet. and i cant find any decent links anywhere

just wondered if any1 else who does this course has found any ???


god some people are sooo fussy

Edit. It actually makes sense now. ... kinda :p
Internet: Only one of them. Most people mistake it for the WWW.

Intranet: Internal "internet" with access to site information, news, knowedgebase etc for company staff.

Extranet: Intranet that runs between company sites often via VPN or IP Tunnel. Not accessable to outside world but is accessable at differnet sites. Same functionality as an Intranet.
wyrdo said:
What's that for?

Your earlier response.

I think a bird just pooped on his head and he's trying to look at it

They say never argue with a fool because people cant tell who is who, well i will say Dont argue with a fool because he will bring you down to his level and beat you with experience. ;)

That's it i aint saying nothing in this thread again.
ElRazur said:
They say never argue with a fool because people cant tell who is who, well i will say Dont argue with a fool because he will bring you down to his level and beat you with experience. ;)

That's it i aint saying nothing in this thread again.

Who's arguing here?

I <3 double negatives
my assignment sheet states
"identify and describe the different types of internet/intranet"
so i am asking if any1 knows / knows a link about the types of internet/intranet
Spend_day said:
my assignment sheet states
"identify and describe the different types of internet/intranet"
so i am asking if any1 knows / knows a link about the types of internet/intranet

There is only one Internet. Grrrrrr
Common types of Intranet include:

• Bulletin board
This type of Intranet allows everyone in an organization the capability to review or update information that would normally be placed on an organization bulletin board, such as, a calendar of events, a status board, pictures of events or employees, policy changes, etc.

• Database management
This type of Intranet allows everyone in an organization the capability to maintain a "real-time" interactive database. The database can be used to support the tracking of products, inventories, bidding, or provide information on a particular subject any time of day, from any location.

• Information Access
This type of Intranet is the type commonly found on the World Wide Web. The static web page may include information on any subject. The static page can then be accessed from a simple search engine provided without cost as part of the infrastructure of the Internet.
Information access is the key to making the Intranet commercially feasible. While individuals within an organization my have secure access to particular parts of an Intranet, the marketing and promotion of an organization is the accepted norm. In essence, by advertising on the Internet your organization is available to a broader customer base, via the inherently global structure of the Internet.

Types of Intranet

Guengerich et al., (1997) describe four different types of intranet. They are as follows:
The Communications Intranet: Intranets of this type tend to feature in geographically dispersed organisations. The motivation for its implementation is greater efficiency and cost saving, through the reduction of fax and telephone calls. This intranet is common with franchises or organisations that have a large number of salespeople or agents in the field.

The Integrating Intranet: These intranets are designed to replace the muddle of in-house communications and processing systems that in large organisations often used different interfaces that commonly lacked any means of interconnection. Such intranets offer organisations a common interface (browser) that can link-up its different divisions through hypertext links. It follows that standardisation is paramount in an integrating intranet.

The Catalogue Intranet: Intranets of this type are often more accurately described as extranets. They are designed to give access to a large catalogue of information, particularly a multimedia catalogue.

Any of the above intranets can be controlled or firewalled through passwords and user IDs to safeguard security throughout an organisation. The fourth type of intranet dispenses with individual log-ins or passwords opting instead for a single sign-on for all users and letting each system look-up the appropriate access privileges for each user.
The Single Sign-On Intranet This intranet, if managed efficiently, allows maximum security by firewalling anyone from inappropriate sites automatically.
ElRazur said:
Your earlier response.

Ah, stating fact gets me a roll eyes? Good stuff!

I think that's the first roll eyes I've ever received on this forum, excellent! I feel like I belong.
LordSplodge said:
There is only one Internet. Grrrrrr

Then various applications of the technology which some people determine to be different internets. ;)

As for the number of intranets... well how many companies are there in the world? Still only one underlying technology that is used to implement private systems.

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