Ubiquiti USG

22 Jun 2005
We have been using a TZ205 which is now ancient and has been a bit unreliable lately. We have a leased line with ADSL as a failover.

I am thinking of changing to an ubiquiti USG and a Unifi 8 port switch to allow us to create VLANS based on the port of the switch. The WIFI AP is also ubiquiti so it should all integrate nicely.

Am I right in assuming the USG can have a second VLAN that is isolated from all the other traffic and unable to access the work network (like a guest network) through the switch?


I still don't feel that the USG exposes enough of the power of the underlying system through the UniFi UI to be able to recommend it. Go hog-wild for basic switching and Wi-Fi, but I was always frustrated with the limitations of the USG.
Well I am not looking to do anything more than running a wifi network, routing and firewall tbh hence looking at these. I also have failover wan ports.

I know there is also an er-x too (I have this at home) although it seems a bit more complex.
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