Ubisoft Dump Starforce!

8 Dec 2005
dave2k2005 said:
I never found a problem with starforce, I've always wondered why everyone hates it so much :confused:

for starters it doesnt work with win xp 64, so if, like me you have xp 64 you cant play any games with starforce :mad:

could play the demo of splinter cell CT for the PC, but could not get the game to install :(
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XPE said:
for starters it doesnt work with win xp 64, so if, like me you have xp 64 you cant play any games with starforce :mad:

Thanks for telling me that!:D But if it doesnt work on 64, how come Far Cry has a 64 bit version and that has starforce :confused:
Finally - all we need if for a few more to give up on it now.

Now - if they re-issue their games without starforce - then I'll be buying a couple of them.

Yeh starforce is a nightmare, completely messus up your cd/hd system. Bit gutted as i have 3 starforce protected games (sc3, gtr, cmr 2005) which i like but won't risk installing.
dave2k2005 said:
I never found a problem with starforce, I've always wondered why everyone hates it so much :confused:

Apart from the XP64 thing, i've never understood this either?
divine_madness said:
Apart from the XP64 thing, i've never understood this either?

Lol i have a big pile of wrecked dvd r's to testify to sf's crapness! The thing slows down your dvd read write speeds, causes errors all over the place. On my pc with sf installed i cannot burn dvd's, play music cd's and many games wont read, including ironically enough raven shield by ubisoft!
divine_madness said:
Can't say it's ever done that to me. Must have got lucky.
That'ss the thing, many people say they have never had a problem with sf, many say they have.
Except for the X64 issue (which is now patched by Starforce), I think most of the Starforce thing is just hyperbole from a few rumours that its caused problems. I imagine Ubisoft have stopped using it because of the bad press rather because they actually think it does any harm.
Starforce was causing my DVD writer to not read CD's properly, it would spin up and stop, spin up and stop, over and over, bought a new DVD writer and it works fine with star force installed. Removed Starfrorce and now both work fine.

It's upto you if you use it but I for one will not. Glad Ubisoft have got rid of them as I quite like their games.....
Starforce uses root kit technology which is actively prevented in Windows Vista. Ubisoft have obviously discovered this and have decided to drop it to maintain support with Vista when it is released.
Now that a big company has dropped it it wont take long for the others to fall into line with them!
I am quite surprised TBH, as I'm sure all Starforce need to do is upgrade their equipment for the upcoming Vista. I have never had any problems and welcome Starforce protection on all games as its virtually uncrackable for all the Warez losers ;)
Good. Starforce royally messed up my DVD-RW burning capability. COuldn't burn a thing without getting loads of errors.

I will NOT buy a game that is protected with any application that changes the way I set my PC up.
mysticsniper said:
as its virtually uncrackable for all the Warez losers ;)

Try again... ;)

Colin McRae Rally 2005
Bet On Soldier
Chaos League
Postal 2: Apocalypse Weekend
Silent Hunter 3
Trackmania Sunrise
Splinter Cell Chaos Theory
TOCA Race Driver 3
UFO: Aftershock
X3: Reunion
Worms 4
King Kong
Rainbow 6: Lockdown

All available if you know where to look. Also - all Starfarce protected. That was just a quick little search as well.

Although - I do like this comment from one of the Starforce chaps on their own forum.

The purpose of copy protection is not making the game uncrackable – it is impossible. The main purpose is to delay the release of cracked version. Maximum sales rate usually takes place in the first month(s) after the game release. If the game is not cracked in that period of time, then the copy protection works well. After several months of sails even we recommend the publishers to release the patches that remove the copy protection just to make the game play more comfortable to the customers.

Nice...Although that is shortly after the same person who put that on the site linked directly to a a torrent download for the game that had no copy protection on it that was being discussed. Galactic Civilizations II iirc...

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