Ubuntu 11

ok worked it out ;)

what the hell is it though so counter intuitive, can't believe its heading that way.

So i think its new distro time I am interested in python coding so recommend me something different I have been using Ubuntu on and off for since version 5.
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Unfortunately I feel the same as you. What you see in the latest Ubuntu is called Unity!, more like Ambiguity! I was on KDE3 when they shafted everyone with KDE4 and I've very recently left Gnome for XFCE 4.8 (feels super fast on my core 2) -- [pre-emptive move really] because I know there going to shaft everyone with Gnome 3 soon.

You don't need to give up on Ubuntu. I said depends primarily because you said on/off usage. If I assume you've been using windows than I would advise you to stay in Ubuntu, just change Desktos/window manager! if you're confident enough with your linuxFu then really there is one choice and thats gentoo :), because it just makes sense :).

Give XFCE a go, I think 4.8 is in Ubuntu11 apt, and switch your session at login.

Editor wise, choice is wide on Linux, I use vim for everything, but more eye candy is available through eclipse and plenty here (http://wiki.python.org/moin/PythonEditors), I guess if you also use windows it would make sense to pick something cross platform

edit: some screens here: http://www.webupd8.org/2011/04/xubuntu-1104-released-with-xfce-48.html
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as said above, I'd stick with Ubuntu but change the desktop/window manager. XFCE is lightweight and speedy, you can change back to gnome if you want, KDE4 is looking ok now it's your choice really! I've not upgraded to 11.04 yet as my network is going through a huge revamp and I'm wiring the house up with cat5e.
ok worked it out ;)

what the hell is it though so counter intuitive, can't believe its heading that way.

Unity; Canonical's alternative to using GNOME Shell. I haven't used Ubuntu for quite a while but downloaded Natty to test this out. Never again. :(

So i think its new distro time I am interested in python coding so recommend me something different I have been using Ubuntu on and off for since version 5.

Do you have any other requirements? You could try Xubuntu, the XFCE desktop might be comfortably close enough to the GNOME 2 desktop you've grown used to. Or if you fancy a bigger change, Kubuntu as recommended is an option. Of course, there are other options outside of the Ubuntu world, if you're feeling like trying them. :)
Used xcfe before and quite like might install that then, I have ran with fedora for a but but prefer apt over yum. Quit fancy trying gentoo tbh but got a steep learning curve ?
do not get me started on the 11.04 update. it's shafted my install 3 times now.
1st time no boot - reinstall
2nd time no wireless - reinstall
3rd time it's changed my sudo password...... will reinstall when I CBA.
You could use Mint. They're basing 11 on Ubuntu but have said they'll be omitting Unity and just sticking with Gnome2.
I used Ubuntu from 6.04 through to something like 10.10 and almost always had problems upgrading to the next version. I learned the hard way that the best thing to do is just backup /home, format the rest and install the new version fresh. It's inconvenient, but more convenient than the headaches an upgrade bring.

And it's not like I ever did anything exotic with the system either.
I used Ubuntu from 6.04 through to something like 10.10 and almost always had problems upgrading to the next version. I learned the hard way that the best thing to do is just backup /home, format the rest and install the new version fresh. It's inconvenient, but more convenient than the headaches an upgrade bring.

And it's not like I ever did anything exotic with the system either.

Same as with Windows its always best to do a fresh install. I usually backup my home folder and copy that folder into a "old home" folder in my new install. Then I copy over the files I need. I've found copying the entire folder into the new home folder can be problematic as lots of configuration info is stored in hidden folders and this can cause problems with new versions of applications that can be present in new distributions.
I can't find anywhere how to create a USB boot stick from the ubuntu ISO using linux! AHHHHH google fu FAIL!
If you cant install software then u r knackered :D

You'll need to use another machine to make the install USB.

BTW - Unetbootin can be used under windows if you have a windows machine to hand.
Oh my god, I have been called a plonker for my views on the way many distros are going.

I loved Mandrake / RPM / KDE right up until Mandriva and I moved off that and I found Kubuntu and I was fairly happy but KDE 4 ???? WTF? So, I moved to gnome and thankfully I found it to be just fine but I did miss a lot of the KDE Apps - Even if I installed them half the time they required much of KDE just to run them.

Then this stupid side bar with 11.4 has really irritated me.

The thign for me is that Windows I have to say it, is just getting better and better while linux distros are going the other way round.

I like enlightenment and xfce isnt too bad I suppose, but Im seriously thinking that Linux has no future in my collection.

I just ope my sabayon setup wont go too stupid. Thats been with me since v3
Ubuntu in 'appealing to the lowest common denominator' shocker.
Protip: If you don't like Unity, pick a better distro. Once upon a time that was supposed to be the beauty of GNU/Linux.
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