Ubuntu and BT Broadband & drivers

6 Jun 2005
Hi there.

I'm thinking about moving my parents over to Ubuntu due to them constantly buggering up winXP, getting viruses and moaning about software problems.

I was thinking, install Ubuntu and Open office and let them get used to a new OS. I might even join them if all goes well.

Questions though.

Obviously there are goind to be problems with gathering up drivers etc. they have BT Broadband which I'm not sure about installation wise. Also finding drivers for their Epson Photo R245 printer seems to be a problem.

Could any one guide me along the way?


Yeah don't bother IMO. Ubuntu will cause more problems for them than Windows if they are novices. Why not just lock down their account so they can't install/ change anything in Windows?
I've just booted from the disc on my parents machine and so far so good. Internet seems to be working just fine, printer was found automatically.

I wonder if this will all change if I were to do a fresh install of Ubuntu?

As for the O/S, it seems pretty simple to use. Has Open office and Firefox ready to go. Thats all the need to be honest. The audio is working also to my suprise.

I'll let them give it a test drive for a week or so.
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