Ubuntu or other Linux OS

nah gone back to ubuntu as i couldnt get wine to work in mint :(
sorted it now but yeh, themes dont work as they should although i have overcome the human icon problem.
lol, i think its a lot better than windows put it that way.
never really had anything to compare it to though, but overall i think its pretty modern looking and self explanitory. only thing i have not managed to sort myself is wine, still had no luck but no that bothered for now.
Piece of ****. Any half-decent distro's installer will detect the presence of other distros on the disk and will create an appropriate boot menu. If you fancy doing it though, post here first with your plans so we can advise you on a partitioning layout.

thinking of ubuntu and mint, i liked mandriva a lot, but i couldnt install anything on it so pretty pointless.
bit of both, i read your advice, it puzzled me, so i slapped in the mint disc and followed onscreen prompts lol.
is there any way to disable the keyring password as i feel this might confuse customers?
There might be some extra repositories you need to enable.
like what? i have completed all the updates. on startup there is an option to upgrade to the dvd version, is this just a downloadable update like a windows service pack, and what is the difference?
As for the keyring, I can't remember off the top of my head how to disable it. Surely there's an option when it appears on the screen though? However you might want to consider learning it because it's a useful tool. You just have to explain to customers that a single password will keep all their other passwords safe.
so its like a password that protects saved passwords?
the main one is winetricks, its the only thing i have managed to get to semi install windows stuff. there were a few games but nothing special, just noticed it wasnt as full on mint as ubuntu.
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