What discipline of engineering will you be studying?
UCL is a very good uni, but the mech eng isn't the best, as azamc said
the engineering dept has a brand new building, which opened about 2 years ago, but obviously there's still a lot of old ones.
i had a few mates studying mech eng at ucl for both undergrad and postgrad, and i think it's mostly very good, but obviously like with anything else, you might get a shoddy lecturer.
no idea about the rankings, but whilst i do know that UCL isn't the best for mechanical engineering, it still is a very good university
having studied at UCL, i'm biased, but you certainly won't regret it. what are your other choices?
An Meng is a 4 year course in engineering, it is an undergraduate masters if you like. I obtained a Beng in Mechanical engineering as I decided to not progress to do the additional 4th year required to get an Meng award. This is mainly because I was becoming a little bit disgruntled at the university and the module options for the fourth year were horrendous, I also don't like to put all my eggs in one basket. MSc's tend to be a little bit more specialised than the Meng.So why is it an MSc and not an MEng?
the uni is a very prestigous uni and i always feel proud when people ask what uni im going to. however the mech eng department isnt the best. i can only speak from my experience of the 1st year. the engineering building is quite wierd, in the sense that some parts of it are brand new and look very nice, whereas other part are very very old and outdated. unfortuantly the mech eng floor is one of the older parts. the lecture room you will use for your first year is very very old and outdated, with uncomfortable seats and very cramped. the recently recarpeted the floor, but it still doesnt look very pleasing.