i study it there. going into my secound year. the uni is a very prestigous uni and i always feel proud when people ask what uni im going to. however the mech eng department isnt the best. i can only speak from my experience of the 1st year. the engineering building is quite wierd, in the sense that some parts of it are brand new and look very nice, whereas other part are very very old and outdated. unfortuantly the mech eng floor is one of the older parts. the lecture room you will use for your first year is very very old and outdated, with uncomfortable seats and very cramped. the recently recarpeted the floor, but it still doesnt look very pleasing.
the teaching is also hit and miss. there are one or two really good lecturers, and some really bad ones. there is also a perticular fluids lecturer who is very strict. the thermo lecturer isnt the best, but he make the assesment material easier. again this is based on my 1st year teaching and maybe in my second year will have better lecturers.
onto the work load now. i cant compare it t another degree, but i felt that the workload was very tough. the coursework is piled on and on, and the course content does become very difficult. however it is not impossible and i think my laziness did not help. if you stay ontop of thing youll manage fine. it is afterall one of the hardest degrees in the world and is never going to be easy, and for you to be made and offer indicates UCL feel your up to the task.
my advice for you looking back at the 1st year is to keep ontop of your cw. get working on it as soon as you get it and make sure it is of good quality as it is easy marks. i also suggest you attend all lectures, as the course is covered very fast and youll become very confused very fast. unfortuantly the course isnt very forgiving and your week will be very very long. i also recommend that you keep on top of your computing and attend all the labs and lectures as the final assignement is one of the toughest.
do your best to keep up with the course content at the uni, but dont dispair if you become lost and confused. i honestly did not know a thing and had to learn the whole year in 2 months of revision. if i had given myself an extra month i think i could have gotten a 1st.
overall i feel the uni is very grand and when you walk around it you do feel a slight awe, and it is nice knowing you in the 7th best uni in the world. however the engineering department isnt the best. if you can go to oxford, cambridge, imperial, southampton, bristol, loughborough, then chose one of those. but if your choice is ucl or kings or queen mary, well i dont think i need to advise you anymore.
if you have anymore questions fell free to ask
sorry for the long post and especially sorry for the poor grammer