UFO Sighting (looks pretty damn convincing)

dmpoole said:
GordyR expressed it so much better than me except that I still don't accept interstellar travel. The cost of putting a ship into orbit and travelling 100 million light years (or less) would be astronomical and I still won't believe in faster than light speeds or shortcuts. Theres no bigger fan of Star Trek than me but its all bull.

My reasons for believing that interstellar travel will one day be possible, do stem from a kind a romanticism, I will readily admit that. I want to believe it, therefore I do. :p

However something that we must bare in mind is that we do not have a complete understanding of physics yet. In fact you could go so far as to say that our current undertsanding is likely extremely basic. Theories like M-theory go a long way towards giving us that unified theory but we are still very short of having a complete picture and of course M-Theory could also turn out to be the greatest scientific 'wild goose chase' in history, but that remains to be seen.

General Relativity gives us at least two ways of intersteller travel. One being wormholes as you are aware. I personally agree with you that it is highly unlikely that wormholes will ever be usable for interstellar travel. There are far too many factors like stability and the vast amounts of positive energy required, for me to ever consider it being a reality.

However General Relativity is not the be all and end all of physics. I think we need to look beyond it for the possibilities of intersteller travel.

A lot of the newer models of the universe paint a completely different cosmological picture of the universe. Within this framework there are possible loopholes around the whole faster than light problem with regards to travel. Superstring theory (or M-Theory) with it's requirement of 10 or 11 dimensions opens up a whole realm of theoretical possibilities for interstellar travel which at no point requires the interstellar craft to actually move faster than light.

Of course in terms of practicality we are an awfully long way off of ever putting this sort of thing in to practice. Though that could all change in the blink of an eye if certain discoveries get made soon.

Throughout history we have always set barriers for ourselves due to our limited understanding. Scientists at one point thought the notion of an aeroplane was absurd. But we have consistently broken these barriers as our understanding increases. This has happened time and time again throughout history so I assume that this will continue. I think thats a good enough reason not to completely rule out interstellar travel at some point in the future. :)

dmpoole said:
The NASA footage is interesting but I personally agree with the explanations given that its ice debris and its probably on the windows. The space serpents are interesting and I wouldn't discount it. As I said earlier, I believe that life will find a way and I'm not an expert to say that nothing could live in temperatures that cold or in a vacuum.

The footage was interesting until they had to ruin it with plasma beams knocking out UFO's and teams sent out to pick up the debris for backward engineering and they've been doing it for decades. So basically, out there are millions of UFO's and America keep firing at them with a plasma beam - yeah OK. Darn those pesky Aliens - get the fly swatter out Dubba. Also these UFO/Aliens have got really boring lifes for intelligent beings/objects. Instead of flying into a circle and saying 'look we're here' why not fly closer to the shuttle and announce yourself?

The problem I have with Aliens is that they're so thick. They have the technology to travel hundreds of light years to this planet and then mess about hiding in back alleys, messing with cows and giving some of us an anal probing. They also turn cars off and stay in the sky for a while playing hide and seek. I'm pretty sure thats what we'll do when we find a living planet.

The rest of your post I heartily agree with. And I applaud your wording! I actually laughed out loud when you struck on "anal probing". Good post. :D
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Crispy Pigeon said:
Why is it always "flying saucers" and those weird grey aliens? I might find it more plausible if the craft were somewhat original.

What's a more pure and aerodynamic shape than a sphere or saucer?

It's likely they use some sort of magnetic or gravity fields for propulsion so i can see the advantage of that kind of shape.

As to why its always the greys, well maybe because they live close by...
GordyR have you checked out the disclosure project video yet?

Im still watching it and its quite interesting but a little bit worrying for many reasons.
Radiation said:
GordyR have you checked out the disclosure project video yet?

Im still watching it and its quite interesting but a little bit worrying for many reasons.

Not yet as i'll be heading to bed soon. :p

I'll try to watch it tomorrow. I have to admit to enjoying watching even the more far fetched stuff... Even if if I don't believe it. It usually presents a nice fictional story if nothing else.

What I will say however, even before watching the video, is that from the sounds of the things you described, all we have for evidence is accounts from witnesses. A lot of whom have likely made substantial personal gain or profit from releasing such stories. Many of these 'witnesses' (and I use the word reluctantly) are now regularly paid to speak at UFO lectures around the world.

I'm not saying that this is the case with the video you linked to, but it is something that we must bare in mind if we are to retain our critical objectivity. Wtinesses are always fallible.

Anyhow, I will watch the video when I get a chance and give you my thoughts tomorrow. Thanks for the links. If nothing else they are entertaining and interesting. Keep them coming. :)

Its very interesting what they have to say and to me it looks pretty legit so it's worth having a look at many of their story's, note it gets more interesting as it goes.
Radiation said:
If you haven't already check out some of the disclosure project video and website, these are apparently quite reputable people from many areas of the government like the military and nasa and some of the stuff they say they know or have seen is a little disturbing, that woman who airbrushes out photos was there and one guy talks about the fact he's seen photos of bases on the dark side of the moon! :eek:


I just watched that video, the full 2 hours... and now 'I believe' more so than ever.. those other google videos of 'space debris' are very interesting too.
The thing i find odd is that just about every person that thinks the have seen an alien are americans living out in the sticks or americans that just have something strange about them.
And most of the siteings are in america aswell.

I wonder why aliens love america so much :rolleyes:
Does nobody know about the Disclosure Project?

This is the most convincing evidence I have ever seen, 400 top military, government, intelligence personnel going on the record and willing to testify under oath they experienced UFO's or in some cases actually help to cover them up!

It's all HERE!

Get informed...
Iamzod said:
Doesn't look real to me, looks to be wobbling around almost like its added afterwards & whoever has added it struggled to compensate for the cameras movement.

Exactly my thoughts as I watched it. It doesnt seem to stay steady enough relative to the clouds behind it even though the camera is shaking...
Radiation said:
If you haven't already check out some of the disclosure project video and website, these are apparently quite reputable people from many areas of the government like the military and nasa and some of the stuff they say they know or have seen is a little disturbing, that woman who airbrushes out photos was there and one guy talks about the fact he's seen photos of bases on the dark side of the moon! :eek:


Its a bit worrying to think we never get to see the dark side so its possible that's why the ufo's can hang around earth so readily.

Is this why G.W. Bush wants NASA to land on the dark side of the moon then?
in an episode of top gear they had a full size astra which flew around the studio, going over peoples heads with the grace of a dainty butterfly. they say it had been sprinkled with fair dust whilst others say it was built from ultra light material and powered by fans... whatever it was, it wasnt built by aliens thats for sure
Morlan said:
I just watched that video, the full 2 hours... and now 'I believe' more so than ever.. those other google videos of 'space debris' are very interesting too.

Yeah by the end i was :eek: but i just don't understand why i never heard about this on the news, does anyone know if it ever got on the news over here?

One thing i also don't get is why it went quiet after 2001, was it maybe because of 9/11 and stuff that's happened since?

I will have to read up some more on it, i think they need to push forward with making this more well known, just like what's happening now with people questioning more about the events of 9/11.
Craig321 said:
If a disc could fly by spinning super fast then there would be kind of two shells if you get what I mean, so the things inside wouldn't feel it spinning, the outside would just be spinning.

Yeah, this is what the Germans (now americans after they took the german engineers work after the war) are working on. Before the war there is documentation from German intelligence stating that Nazi scientists were testing disc shaped craft which used magnetic fields of various natures to hover and fly, one of the ones the americans are currently working on is the spinning ring/sphere/outer rim to create a magnetic field or also known as its own gravitational field to enable it to hover and fly with no gravitational effect from the earth. Non military scientists have also created and testsed lab built experiments to show some of this working under controlled environments too.

Recently on LiveScience (and newscientist iirc) an article was written about a scientist which came forward with a modified idea of this which would allow a craft using this technology to travel between space and time to travel vast distances - in theory it is possible and the maths apperently work out, it just needs to be funded and experimented.

There is also strong belief that the moon holds more about the earths history than earth itself since the moon has not had life walk on it since it was themoon but scientists believe it has fossils buried within the surface that were from earths history long before the current life history on earth as we know it.

There is LOADS of stuff we will find out about space and our existance this century that's for sure.

Astronomers also found a earth like planet near to our solar system (in space terms) using gravitational lensing, now if there are earth like planets fairly close to us and we find one now imagine how many more we will find as technlogy speeds up every year!
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mrk said:
Yeah, this is what the Germans (now americans after they took the german engineers work after the war) are working on. Before the war there is documentation from German intelligence stating that Nazi scientists were testing disc shaped craft which used magnetic fields of various natures to hover and fly, one of the ones the americans are currently working on is the spinning ring/sphere/outer rim to create a magnetic field or also known as its own gravitational field to enable it to hover and fly with no gravitational effect from the earth. Non military scientists have also created and testsed lab built experiments to show some of this working under controlled environments too.
I believe the Russians, who also got their hands on German scientists, delved into the idea of using a huge coil which was electrified and created a magnetic field which was then used to oppose the earths magnetic field, allowing it to fly. And a while back some guy on tv made a very large coil, and then plugged it into the mains, and the thing hovered around the room, and it would also explain why on some of the ufo pictures taken by the US, near places like Alaska seem to have burn marks on the underside.

Anyone Want to spot the "skull" on mars?
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Its funny how we predict aliens have them big wide eyes and these lovely round saucers that fly in the air and lo and behold we see exactly what we imagined.....get a grip....of reality
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