ughhh i hate people on mobile phones

6 Apr 2011
just a random rant

tonight i went out with some mates on the bikes and i was leading going round a roundabout at well below the speed limit about 25 (in a 40) and all of a sudden some t*at in a clio pulls right out in front of me i hoot and slam on my brakes nearly going into the side of him. and look directly at him and to see low and behold he is chatting on his mobile phone i follow him up to a set of traffic lights and pull beside him (with him still on the phone) he grunts and i said "do you know you nearly just knocked me off at the roundabout, maybe if you weren't on the phone you could concentrate more!" his reply was "f off you d*ck " he then shut his window and carried on with his phone call!! i wouldn't of minded so much if he did the typical car drives "really sorry i didn't see you"
Should have memorised his plate and told the police.

I'm getting extremely tired of careless road users lately. Especially when they show no remorse.
Also hate this. If I see anyone doing it I tend to make sure they've seen me gesturing to put it down. If I happen to have the camera on me I'd take footage and let the police have it.
People are generally complete gits. Posting is a good way to vent but generally keeping chilled is the way to go and rely on karma to sort things out. People who do that sort of thing will have a horrible accident at some point.
Woman today driving very slowly towards me at a junction, just beeped her about 10 times haha she got the message.
I love the "f off" response, even though he's blatantly in the wrong he'd still rather be belligerent than admit fault.

Tis the way of the typical British motorist in the wrong, go on the offence when you realise you have no defence.
Had some idiot the other day zoom past me in a 30 just after a speed camera was mint though because as she got past me she then realised there was roadworks infront hence why I was slowing down so had to slam on.

I then shouted "how much of a boob do you look now" and she went bright red I really wished id have just sneaked down the side and done a cheeky wave but she was too close to the light :(

Same day a white van just pulled out onto the main road further down the same road with his window down, he clearly hadn't seen me until it was too late at which point I was shaking my head and he started hurling abuse at me, gotta love it though at the end of the day :)
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I've bought a HD camera this week and will be filming EVERY ride I now go on, and if something happens, I've got the proof it wasn't me... job done. I'll just attached slighly to the front faring, no one would even know it's there due to it's yellow colour.

It's the same everywhere, idiot drivers, just more noticable on a bike as you're hyper senstive... It'd have bneen hilarious if you'd grabbed the phone through his window and ate it rofl
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