Uh Oh... Bad EA

Bad EA? Its a great idea, for them anyway. They release the game for free, recoup money from the ads and get more people interested in the Battlefield franchise (even if the free game is abit dumbed down).

So'long as they release it when its done I daresay it will be a success.
It's EA.

They'll release *way* before it's done.

They'll release *way* before it's done.

At the same time though, if they are introducing new gamers to the Battlefield series they don't want it to be riddled with the same problems all of their other games have. Id wager a good amount of money that this will be a rare good EA release.
I'd rather they test advertising on a free game than any of their current/new releases we have to pay for, even if they do say it's for extended development (i.e. patch support).
as long as the advertising is just on the menus/loading screens etc i dont mind, aslong as it doesnt affect gameplay

I don't agree. why not have real advertising on bill boards and other such utems you see in games? Shop names etc.

It makes *** game far more releastic whilst paying for development costs. Games are getting more and more expensive to produce. The time when we can pay for developing costs and profit for games. Is disapering at a rate of knots.
People moaned about the ads in 2142, Then you play it and they aren't noticeable at all. Nothing wrong with them.

I wouldn't mind if they used the ads to make the games free or at least cheaper but they didn't do that in 2142. If I'm paying full whack for a game then I'd prefer no in game advertising (unless you can blow it up, of course :))
I don't see how this makes EA bad in any shape or form? They are offering us a free game where they recoup their losses via in-game adverts. Thats like saying channel 4 are evil because of all those pesky advert breaks we get with our free tv channel (tv licensing is only for the BBC channels before anyone argues that point).

Its a very good idea, and as stated previously it could add to the immersion within a game, i know i would love to see real brand names plastered all over the streets in GTA 4 just to give it that little bit more authentic feel.

Oh and anyone who has a huge problem with the intel etc adverts in BF2142 really needs to calm down a bit.

[EDIT] Would just like to jump back to the pointless EA bashing i mentioned earlier, it really is getting silly now. I imagine if EA accidentally invented a pig that secreted bacon from its armpits and gold from its arse, people would still criticize it.
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[EDIT] Would just like to jump back to the pointless EA bashing i mentioned earlier, it really is getting silly now. I imagine if EA accidentally invented a pig that secreted bacon from its armpits and gold from its arse, people would still criticize it.

It's cool to bash EA, did you not know?! :p :rolleyes:

If I like a game, I like it. I don't care who designed / published it etc. Much like music. I like what I hear, I don't care who wrote it. My only concern with EA's latest offering is with the "Micro Payments" idea. What exactly will this entail? I have a horrible feeling that this may involve ranking / unlocks in some way. So yeah, the game is free... but if you want to keep up and make it worth playing, you have to pay!

Well, we'll see. I'm looking forward to trying the end product :) And that really is the key point here, we get to try it, all of it, for free :)

It's a win - win situation, so what is the problem?
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ha i suggested this ages ago, might find thread later, and iirc many people were saying it would never work, now look. tbh i think it's a great idea if it's done in an unobtrusive (sp?) way and not every game goes this way.

imo the trouble with say bf2 in the past is that EA just want you to buy it, and once you have done that they don't really care about you tbh so just spend mney in advertising it and then forget about the game. the different with this is they want you to play the game and keep coming back as the more people playing the more money they get from advertisers. This then means that they (hopefully) will spend more money on updating the game, more maps etc so people play more ergo sum a game i enjoy more that cost less :D. Will wait and see though, this is EA after all.
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