UK branded an 'Enemy of the Internet'

what we need are some big protests and intelligent celebrities who know a bit about the internet to get the mainstream public behind it.

everyone just blindly listens to the government the same government that happily sacks it's advisor when they give info they don't want to hear.

then we have big dave cameron going on about how in the "homeland" series this type of data is exactly what leads them to solve the crimes.

as if it's some real life case example
That's because people in the UK just accept everything with a "that's how it is" or a "don't care, doesn't affect me" attitude. It's easy for government. There's no such thing as society.
Are you honestly trying to say that Governmental agencies such as GCHQ and the NSA are rummaging through people emails/facebook accounts for sheer kicks, curiousty or for criminal purposes such as stealing passwords or bank details. No I think you will find they are looking for information about activites such as terrorist plots, spying, espionage, serious fraud....

so why record what was it 1.8 million webcam convos of random people?

Also interestingly all the things you list would traditionally require a) evidence b) a warrant to do.

strangely we don't seem to need that stuff any more.
I like the reference of the evil government hoovering up data to stay in power and crush the people. Which government is doing this precisely as I have yet to see a party dominate politics through all these evil black arts you are all declaiming they practice.

Or are we in the real fairy land of the illuminati and vague references to the faceless "them" that control us all like puppets?

I'm not particularly comfortable with the way the law is moving and I think it should be challenged but those frothing at the mouth and ranting like the "end is nigh" holy nuts in Trafalgar Square is certainly amusing.
I like the reference of the evil government hoovering up data to stay in power and crush the people. Which government is doing this precisely as I have yet to see a party dominate politics through all these evil black arts you are all declaiming they practice.

It doesn't matter which party is doing it, it's not about being re-elected. It's about creating tools of control so that the population don't do anything that might upset them.

You don't need some dark shadowy conspiracy to make that happen, it happens naturally when the interests of influential people and organisations converge. There are no twirly-moustache villains here, just rational people looking out for their own best interests.
Which government is doing this precisely as I have yet to see a party dominate politics through all these evil black arts you are all declaiming they practice.

You could argue that Labour, Conservative and Lib Dems are all the same and to vote one, is to vote the rest. As nothing ever truly changes with your vote.
It doesn't matter which party is doing it, it's not about being re-elected. It's about creating tools of control so that the population don't do anything that might upset them.

Like the benefit underclass, they are kept in need of benefits so they vote to keep the status quo, as to change the status quo would be to effect their benefits.

You can see this with Labours rise to power years back, one of their ministers went to Romania and Poland, selling the UK. They came over and started to claim benefits which was then more then their average wage. And in return ensured votes.
Also interestingly all the things you list would traditionally require a) evidence b) a warrant to do.

strangely we don't seem to need that stuff any more.

The combination of the mysterious terrorism bogeyman (why are we always at heightened alert?) combined with everybody being connected online is a wet dream for Governments.

I mean they have an excuse when they get caught and have the ability to data mine their citizens for all they're worth. It's win win for them, even post-Snowden.

You can see this with Labours rise to power years back, one of their ministers went to Romania and Poland, selling the UK.

Dem Poles, eh? Coming over here making our Government spy on its citizens.
It doesn't matter which party is doing it, it's not about being re-elected. It's about creating tools of control so that the population don't do anything that might upset them.

You don't need some dark shadowy conspiracy to make that happen, it happens naturally when the interests of influential people and organisations converge. There are no twirly-moustache villains here, just rational people looking out for their own best interests.

So one minute it was creating tools to stay in power but now it's just creating tools to "keep people down"?

Who wants "us" kept down, is it all a cross party plan which they then kindly share out the power between them... Oh no wait, they don't.

As I say I don't think its a positive step and it certainly needs challenged but this bogeyman **** is just that, ****. Putting the nefarious spin on things just turns a genuine grievance into a bunch of pron fiends and internet pirates wanting to be left alone (in the publics eyes anyway)

Put forth a reasoned argument and I'm sure more people would come round to your side of the argument.
what we need are some big protests and intelligent celebrities who know a bit about the internet to get the mainstream public behind it.

The problem is people like Russall ******* Brand will hijack the whole thing and make us look like a bunch of tree hugging hippies and a laughing stock
I like the reference of the evil government hoovering up data to stay in power and crush the people. Which government is doing this precisely as I have yet to see a party dominate politics through all these evil black arts you are all declaiming they practice.

Or are we in the real fairy land of the illuminati and vague references to the faceless "them" that control us all like puppets?

I'm not particularly comfortable with the way the law is moving and I think it should be challenged but those frothing at the mouth and ranting like the "end is nigh" holy nuts in Trafalgar Square is certainly amusing.

This is as bad as jsmoke and his "I have nothing to fear as I've nothing to hide" approach.

Anyone who voices decent, just shout conspiracy and lizard men at them to turn them into a laughing stock.

One person started down the Orwellian road. One. Don't paint all the rest of our arguments and opinions with the same conspiracy brush, that's a very dangerous path to walk as it discredits those with real concerns.
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