UK Is the most unequal developed country

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31 Dec 2023

Wages are lower than 20 years ago, inequality is racing ahead leaving most behind.
People are paying more taxes than ever, quality and service are bordering 2nd world.

"The UK has a very high level of income inequality compared to other developed countries."
13 Jan 2010

Wages are lower than 20 years ago, inequality is racing ahead leaving most behind.
People are paying more taxes than ever, quality and service are bordering 2nd world.

"The UK has a very high level of income inequality compared to other developed countries."

Read that the millennial generation has a big rich to poor divide than ever. But more are in the bottom than before too.
We all know the wealth divide is growing via inheritance and the growth of super high paid jobs (especially in tech) but the lowest paid always battling with inflation and housing.

Its going to be grim for people waiting for 70 to get a state pension but being to sick to work in their 60s added on top a broken or non existent NHS...

Not going to pleasant for so many people
31 Dec 2023
Read that the millennial generation has a big rich to poor divide than ever. But more are in the bottom than before too.
We all know the wealth divide is growing via inheritance and the growth of super high paid jobs (especially in tech) but the lowest paid always battling with inflation and housing.

Its going to be grim for people waiting for 70 to get a state pension but being to sick to work in their 60s added on top a broken or non existent NHS...

Not going to pleasant for so many people

If it has to be paid back then expect worse living standards than Romania when they had to pay back the debt. The UK debt is massive, it's expenses are just getting wider.

It will be worse than the 70s, even if it does not feel like it.
Additional link, describing your post.
Cant seem to edit so placed it below.

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25 Oct 2010
It might sound a bit grim and slightly irrelevant/ott, but if I was stuck with state pension and told I needed to work into my 70's I'd rather off myself.

The only working people in that scenario are probably going have health issues, and given how we handle the disabled/ill in the UK? I have little faith that anything is going to improve regardless of which poopshow gets voted in.
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28 Jun 2013
It might sound a bit grim and slightly irrelevant/ott, but if I was stuck with state pension and told I needed to work into my 70's I'd rather off myself.

The only working people in that scenario are probably going have health issues, and given how we handle the disabled/ill in the UK? I have little faith that anything is going to improve regardless of which poopshow gets voted in.

my old man is well past retirement age and still works as a school bus driver and many of the other drivers are meant to be retired.

honestly i dont think he should be driving kids at his age but he just had to get work where he could get work and the other drivers were likely the same.
13 Jan 2010
It might sound a bit grim and slightly irrelevant/ott, but if I was stuck with state pension and told I needed to work into my 70's I'd rather off myself.

The only working people in that scenario are probably going have health issues, and given how we handle the disabled/ill in the UK? I have little faith that anything is going to improve regardless of which poopshow gets voted in.

Yes. Topping yourself is serving your tory overlord dream.

Soon more people are going to twig it's probably better to sell up and move to a cheaper country.
Take a 500k+ house to somewhere dirt cheap and you'll probably get better health care, hotter weather so less heating bill etc etc.

Without an NHS, without a pension until 70, and who knows how much inflation will have destroyed your private pension benefit.. Its going to be grim

Hard to have sympathy for today's pensioners knowing what's coming.
31 Dec 2023
Yes. Topping yourself is serving your tory overlord dream.

Soon more people are going to twig it's probably better to sell up and move to a cheaper country.
Take a 500k+ house to somewhere dirt cheap and you'll probably get better health care, hotter weather so less heating bill etc etc.

Without an NHS, without a pension until 70, and who knows how much inflation will have destroyed your private pension benefit.. Its going to be grim

Hard to have sympathy for today's pensioners knowing what's coming.
One reason why we are selling up and moving.
I not willing to pay towards the UK debt that made Cameron and others rich.
We all know the pension system will disappear, and why they are going to increase private contribution.
It is a complete disaster, Taxes everywhere they can, asset stripping in every industry.
13 Jan 2010
One reason why we are selling up and moving.
I not willing to pay towards the UK debt that made Cameron and others rich.
We all know the pension system will disappear, and why they are going to increase private contribution.
It is a complete disaster, Taxes everywhere they can, asset stripping in every industry.

Its particularly concerning I have to say.
For me it's that dying nhs and ever further away pension.

I mean the inflation in just the last few years has meant people think they need 50pc more pension pot. That's inviable. You can't keep up with that unless you have mega salary.

Does feel like a sinking ship

I look to my dogs insurance as a taste of what's to come.
Cheap when young. Just like now.. Company provides private my medical.

How much does it cost when your dog gets to 9? Much much more and not even 100pc funded.

Ramp that up to humans.. Yeah..people will just die I guess.
The American system is coming.. Without the American wages premium.
Its the worst parts of both. Our lower wages and higher tax and their public health system.
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31 Dec 2023
Its particularly concerning I have to say.
For me it's that dying nhs and ever further away pension.

I mean the inflation in just the last few years has meant people think they need 50pc more pension pot. That's inviable. You can't keep up with that unless you have mega salary.

Does feel like a sinking ship

I look to my dogs insurance as a taste of what's to come.
Cheap when young. Just like now.. Company provides private my medical.

How much does it cost when your dog gets to 9? Much much more and not even 100pc funded.

Ramp that up to humans.. Yeah..people will just die I guess.
The American system is coming.. Without the American wages premium.
Its the worst parts of both. Our lower wages and higher tax and their public health system.

Worrying point is the deficit, it will need high taxes for the next 30 years to pay it off.
Then add in money leaking out of the country as most of the state servicing companies are not even British.

They allowed other countries to rape our system for personal gain.
As you say we are on the way towards an American system, but much worse as we don't have the industry any more.

Something like 20% of our debt it owned to China it just so sad. Globalisation is the major contributing factor. You can't have
global equilibrium without many losers.

Anglo American is about to be sold off, bloody disaster.
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31 Dec 2023
It might sound a bit grim and slightly irrelevant/ott, but if I was stuck with state pension and told I needed to work into my 70's I'd rather off myself.

The only working people in that scenario are probably going have health issues, and given how we handle the disabled/ill in the UK? I have little faith that anything is going to improve regardless of which poopshow gets voted in.

But that's what they want. The British system now it about if your old and not working then they hope you die off.

The British had a good advantage over the rest of the world and they lost it.

I still don't get why they are not on the streets marching. I think they have a tutor era mentality.

This is how the British should be.

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29 Jan 2008
No. It’s not. Did you even read that PR piece before writing the heading to your post?

I'm not sure he even looked at the charts:



It's a bit of a nothing burger...

We should be worried more about the lack of housing (and affordability of housing) and the inability of the government to deliver on infrastructure whether high-speed rail or nuclear power etc.. Both of these are mostly self inflicted red tape issues.
31 Dec 2023
I'm not sure he even looked at the charts:



It's a bit of a nothing burger...

We should be worried more about the lack of housing (and affordability of housing) and the inability of the government to deliver on infrastructure whether high-speed rail or nuclear power etc.. Both of these are mostly self inflicted red tape issues.

Ok I'll rephrase it, is one highest to keep you happy.
They are not red tape issues, but the price of land, population issues, wages and taxes.

We can longer build on the same scale as we did in the 50s and 60s.

The UK does not have the money to build infrastructure.
Look at HS2 can't even afford to build it and this is probably less than 1 % of our entire rail network. The UK managed to build an entire rail network with no problems.

The country is broke, government cant give local councils money because they hardly have any.

This will continue until a point were it can't be hidden.

2 nd largest city is broke.

People in my industry are leaving at an alarming rate. Heading to China, US, Isreal, Canada even Spain as wages are higher and go further.
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31 Dec 2023
Ban for stupid news article spam. Ignored.

Funny, but how are you going to pay for public services when the wealthy and skilled leave?.

You think everything will be magical fixed. Let me see most people can't afford a home, and if they can it would be shared ownership biggest con going. Then you have fiscal drag paying more to the government which goes to the pockets of the wealthy.
Cant afford to build infrastructure, and if they do manage to build something it doesn't last like something built in the 50s or 60s.

Our own nuke weapons failed to launch on a few occasions.

Our military are treated like animals, our vets are treated even worse, no help at all for those guys.

NHS complete failure, and broken. So forced to get benefits because the NHS has failed.

Don't have much of an Industry, our companies are being purchased cheaply pence on the pound.

You being tax for everything, if they can they will tax it.

Privatisation has failed but still you subside these companies.

People are now dieing earlier.
Everyone is cutting corners and as there are no repercussions keep doing it.
Water companies polluting, and want bill to double, and still extracted dividends.
Birth rate dropping, as both need to work.
Quality of food is pretty awful.
No night life.

No one in this country can be bothered to march, something like the poll tax riot would do.

This list is almost endless.
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14 Jan 2018
OP doesn't understand government debt.

eople in my industry are leaving at an alarming rate. Heading to China, US, Isreal, Canada even Spain as wages are higher and go further
Did you read the charts at all, most of those countries are rated worse than the UK.

UK managed to build an entire rail network with no problems
Well that is just not true either.
31 Dec 2023
OP doesn't understand government debt.

Did you read the charts at all, most of those countries are rated worse than the UK.

Well that is just not true either.

The rich and entrepreneurs are leaving, those with skills are leaving.

Who going to pay the deficit?

I do understand government debt, do you know who will have to pay it

I could understand if we were in a world war.

It cost 26 million to built the m1.

Just to widen the M25 between junctions 27 and 30 costs 50% of what it cost to build of the whole M25.
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