UK Is the most unequal developed country

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Man of Honour
17 Oct 2002
Ottakring, Vienna.

Wages are lower than 20 years ago, inequality is racing ahead leaving most behind.
People are paying more taxes than ever, quality and service are bordering 2nd world.

"The UK has a very high level of income inequality compared to other developed countries."
So not "UK Is the most unequal developed country" then.
3 May 2012
I dunno, I see a lot of people here laughing at the OP, and yes he did contradict his own thread title with his own statistics.

That aside, it's true this county is going down the swanny at an ever increasing rate.
1 Mar 2010
and you only just realised this .. Starmer doesn't seem to realise it too - but the taxing implications would scare voters away
perhaps the tories should consider that the income inequality in the UK per se versus europe does not make a good case for investment for any ethical company (those who voted for brexit gave govt carte blanche to perpetuate the inequality)

13 Jan 2010
I dunno, I see a lot of people here laughing at the OP, and yes he did contradict his own thread title with his own statistics.

That aside, it's true this county is going down the swanny at an ever increasing rate.

Its not that the UK is worst or whatever. It's that the divide is growing. It's going in the wrong direction. Obviously not just here.
20 Feb 2011
The OP is one of a few “real name” posters who juggle the truth to present a depressing story denigrating UK life. Given that to all intents and purposes there’s an online war with China, Russia and various others, these type of posts are extremely suspicious.

Life in the UK could be better and the country could be better run but it’s not anywhere near as depressingly bad as some hysterically try to make out. There are (sadly) far too many places in the world where many are far worse off
14 Jan 2018
The rich and entrepreneurs are leaving, those with skills are leaving.

Who going to pay the deficit?

I do understand government debt, do you know who will have to pay it

I could understand if we were in a world war.
Those that are left and new immigrants will carry on funding the system. Many people talk about doing something, far less actually do it. E.g 413x has been leaving for 10 years now :p

That said, debt to GDP is expected to grow over the long term. Not that it matters all that much but I just found it amusing you touted several countries all who rank worse than the UK on that table.

Not sure what random motorways have to do with anything.
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13 Jan 2010
Those that are left and new immigrants will carry on funding the system. Many people talk about doing something, far less actually do it. E.g 413x has been leaving for 10 years now :p

That said, debt to GDP is expected to grow over the long term. Not that it matters all that much but I just found it amusing you touted several countries all who rank worse than the UK on that table.

Not sure what random motorways have to do with anything.

I've made 2 huge mistakes in life.

Studying bioscience at university.
Not emigrating after leaving university and after breaking up with the ex.
Just too passive to do it.
14 Jul 2005
I've made 2 huge mistakes in life.

Studying bioscience at university.
Not emigrating after leaving university and after breaking up with the ex.
Just too passive to do it.

This country is pretty crap really. We have a safe country, stable climate, reasonably stable economically and with stable democracy. Most people can get a job, are living a reasonable life overall, can safely raise kids. But this country does kinda feel like one big compromise at the same time. There isn't a buzz to the country, nothing to be excited about. The weather makes it easy to be continually depressed as well and makes outdoor hobbies less motivating.

I'm not sure where in the world I would like to be that's any better. I would certainly like to be somewhere a lot warmer but I would also want to have the same income (relative to cost of living) as I do here. Somewhere I can do scuba diving in clear warm waters and mountain biking on dusty dry warm mountains.

And somewhere I can get a bigger house and garden for the same relative money as here. Our houses are pathetic.

Like you 413x I wasn't advised well at school (was anyone?) and I went into science /engineering which was a poor choice.
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19 Jan 2013
Too many economically inactive people. Which includes imported and home grown people.
We can't see through any BIG projects due to a short sightedness by successive governments
Tax payers money is thrown around like confetti. Can't imagine many people would be opposed to high taxes if you had the services to back it up.
We're still trying to over-stretch and act like we're a world power. Let's just scale back and look after this Island / Territories.
I think we lack any "real" statesmen/women. We're just littered with over-ambitious parish councillors.
23 Dec 2011
Northern England
Too many economically inactive people. Which includes imported and home grown people.
We can't see through any BIG projects due to a short sightedness by successive governments
Tax payers money is thrown around like confetti. Can't imagine many people would be opposed to high taxes if you had the services to back it up.
We're still trying to over-stretch and act like we're a world power. Let's just scale back and look after this Island / Territories.
I think we lack any "real" statesmen/women. We're just littered with over-ambitious parish councillors.

Fantastic points. I deal with both local and county council on a daily basis. Both are absolute abortions filled with the inept and incompetent yet given control of vast budgets. It's tragic.
22 Oct 2002
Boston, Lincolnshire
When we privatised everything we got rid of all the goodness that we could have milked for the benefit of the tax payer

Look at the UAE for example. Everything is lovely there from an infrastructure point of view

Instead we sold off everything. Imaging having a sovereign wealth fund the size of Norway if not bigger and being able to pay all the public sector workers wages they deserve.

There are many many people qualified to do the jobs the country is short of but because the pay is rubbish they go elsewhere.

Unfortunately the horse has well and truly bolted for the UK as the government has absolutely nothing it can use to raise much needed tax money from.

In maybe 2 generations the UK will be a second world country.
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30 Aug 2014
Not emigrating after leaving university and after breaking up with the ex.
Just too passive to do it.
To be fair to you many countries are now electing populist (often right wing) idiots, including New Zealand; it's not a disease that's exclusive to the UK, it's just that we did it sooner.

However, I am hopeful we are about to turn a corner after the next election (unlike these other countries). The concern is that we are at such a low ebb that it may be too late and that the next government may be too scared of the tabloid press to take the necessary radical action to fix things.
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29 Aug 2007
To be fair to you many countries are now electing populist (often right wing) idiots, including New Zealand; it's not a disease that's exclusive to the UK, it's just that we did it sooner.

However, I am hopeful we are about to turn a corner after the next election (unlike these other countries). The concern is that we are at such a low ebb that it may be too late and that the next government may be too scared of the tabloid press to take the necessary radical action to fix things.

Minor point of correction: we've now somehow got a non Politician who is ex CEO of an airline (a good one, granted) who is making an arse of himself at will and then retreats in to the Three Bears story adults tell their kids about things that are too hot (Winston), too cold (the other ACT loon), and just right (Chris Lux)

Christopher Luxon, even with how all awful and empty of thought and rhetoric and approachability and so on ... he's not a populist right wing idiot. Not by the standards we're using in this thread. Ill-suited, out of place and out of touch - yep. But he's the not right-wing target you're looking for.
1 Mar 2010
You mean the government messed the country up ?

economic inactivity, in some skill segments, is partly lack of opportunities, from declining investment in post-brexit/covid britain; 'uk stable economically' looked at our productivity ?

mistakes in life - returning to UK, you then know what you missed / red pill, rather than Tory one.
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