UK IT Job Market

The 2008 MCSE (MCITP:E) is much easier than the 2003 exams, if you are familiar with 2003 or 2008 the exams shoould be straight forward.

Which was in turn easier than the 2000 MCSE which was in turn easier than NT4 MCSE right? Rubbish. From what I've done so far I'd say it's about the same difficulty as the 2k3 exams, and the 2k exams.

Sorry to hijack but who would you guys say does the best revision material for MS exams?

I'm using and really liking the MS Training Kit. The practice sections are pretty good with a virtual lab and most areas are covered in depth.
Just thought id add couple of things;

My role is quite hefty on the support side of things due to being the only person in the team that does support tasks, im not answering phone calls, I accept support calls which are mainly investigation into users problems depending on what its based on. I also do a lot of backup stuff and restore processes. Which is what I class as 1st line?????

But then im also rolling out sccm, new servers, netbackup - new clients mointoring fixing, vmware templates servers management patching, so it borders across a lot of roles which is nice.

Think im quite lucky in landing in this role. I don't think I could answer calls all day with basic user account problems.

Good luck finding a job.
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