"Ultima Extreme QUAD SLi 7900 GX2"

Duel said:
The worst purchase I have ever made when drunk was 100kg of dry roasted monkey nuts. I have an allergy to nuts. :(

I have to admit thats baddddd (-:

That must have cost a pretty penny - ( if you werent able to return them of course)

I have moved this site from the top of My favourites for this very reason.....ummmm no not regarding monkey nuts either lol
LoadsaMoney said:
If you can drive, why not get yourself a decent car. :D
Very true, but would you buy an F1 car or a 911.
I could afford that rig but would i like to line OCUKs pockets with nearly 5 Grand when i doubt id notice any significant gain in my gaming enjoyment.No.
Why buy an Opty if you can afford an FX60?
My nob is big enough as it is, and thats with a lowly 7800gtx :D
Wang Computer said:
7800Gtx cards are still pretty amazing, y'know! It's only been 9 months since I spent £350 on one!

i have the same card, the leadtek extreme edition 256mb one, brought from ocuk in fact.

my machine still plays games perfectly.

main specs:
x2 4400
2gb ocz platinum
nealw said:
i have the same card, the leadtek extreme edition 256mb one, brought from ocuk in fact.

my machine still plays games perfectly.

main specs:
x2 4400
2gb ocz platinum

How odd, that's exactly what my PC is :) Can't say I've ever had any problems with games either but then, I don't really game anymore ;)
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