Ultima Mobile - 15.4" WSXGA Laptop

Has anyone who owns this system run 3DMark 06 yet? I was wondering what score you got and what score you would anticipate my spec below to get

Vista 64
9800M GTS on stock drivers
2GB DDR2 RAM (due to be uplifted to 4Gb DDR3 see above :))
7200rpm HDD
P9500 2.53GHz processor

And would my score increase significantly with 4Gb of RAM instead of 2Gb?

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I can fix openal32 problem for you from memory hopefully.

First of all download the openal32 exe file (oalinst.exe)
Find openal32.dll in C:\windows\system32
CUT (not copy) and paste it into your 3dmark directory
Reinstall openal32 from the exe you downloaded
hey presto it should work

Please let me know if you get it to work and what score you get.

I know it doesn't really directly translate to gaming performance but just need to put my mind at ease that the system is running fine compared to others.

I've actually got a score already but I think it's a little low :(

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Thanks Slackworth, hopefully that is the case. I'm worried that it is being reported as 2Gb in three different locations though but guess we'll confirm it tomorrow.

And Davey D, thanks, now I'm worried about my GPU, not getting anywhere near 9000 :( Have you done any significant tweaking to get that? I've run my test on high performance power plan and plugged into the mains but not getting a great result unfortunately.

My laptop was dropped off this morning. The RAM issue was simply down to one of the sticks had come loose from it's clips. 4Gb is now being reported so thats good news.

There is an issue with the GPU though which is being looked at at the moment. Getting random shut-downs when the GPU is on load and low 3DMark scores. Hope it's nothing serious.

Shadows1990, did you manage to get 3DMark up and running and have a score?


Yep, it was run off mains with high performance power option selected. Highest score I got was just over 5000 with the lowest just under 5000. Had 3x successful runs of 3DMark with the rest failing to complete due to shut-downs.

9000 seems to be the ballpark figure for this system.
I'm not really clued up on GPU's so wouldn't know what to look out for / safe parameters. It's being looked at by OcUK now though so they'll hopefully sort it :)
Not in my opinion...

Is this Centrino 2?
Graphics card is pretty poor in comparison to a 9800M GTS
Only DDR2 RAM compared to DDR3 for the Ultima
HDD is 5400rpm compared to 7200rpm

I presume you can upgrade parts??

How much would that item be if you were to match the Ultima spec like-for-like?

Hi Slackworth

Sorry to be a pain but is there any possibility of looking into my RMA / GPU issue please?

Not really getting the help I hoped for unfortunately.


I'm not in work tomorrow so cannot sort anything till Monday though will try to help out as best I can till then.

Have you got the laptop at the mo or have we got it? Have you heard from any of the tech guys yet? Can you post your order number here too and I'll see what I can find out tomorrow.

Thanks :)

You guys have the laptop at the mo, I dropped it off on Thursday morning and demonstrated the problems at the front desk. The RAM was sorted out there and then (a stick was loose) but the laptop shut-down whilst trying to get a 3DMark score.

Got a call back midday Thursday suggesting they were too busy to sort it that day. Sent a webnote yesterday to request a phone call to let me know how things are going. Got an email reply suggesting they are still too busy to look at it and it will be 5-7 days. I sent a reply to this requesting a phone call but had no response yet :(

I'm assuming there is a fault with the GPU, if it were to be swapped out with a new one followed by running 3DMark then that should cure it (assuming it doesn't shut down and a score in the region of 9000 is obtained).

Just starting to run out of time before my holiday, need to get it all fully functioning with all software installed. If it can be fixed today then I can travel to Stoke and collect in person but from tonight I'm doing a mixture of night shifts and working in Carlisle so it's going to be hard for me to get things ready for going away.

Not got my order number to hand (left the paperwork with OcUK staff) but I've got copies somewhere so will see if I can find them. ** edit, order number is 3252903 **

Thanks for your help

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Should hopefully get mine back tomorrow with my GPU problems resolved and a decent 3DMark score!

How are people finding the laptopvideo2go drivers compared to the stock ones as far as stability goes. Any noted problems yet?
Slackworth / OcUK employees

I've just received an email saying my RMA is complete and is going to be shipped.

Please can you keep the laptop in your store! I requested to pick it up so I can get straight on with setting it all up so I'll come and collect later.

Just sent a webnote and trying to get through to the office on the phone.

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