No overclock? 16 cores yes but wouldn't it be slow for most things given a lack of properly coded progs to use multiple cores?
That's a really bad price for a system of that spec. New Xeons can't be overclocked and you only get 1 690. People who have that kind of money will most likely build it themselves.
Can't you raise the strap on these?........cos like even 1.25X would be ok my 3820 is ''locked'' but I get an overclock out of it with the strap even if I didn't touch the multi or bclk.

Silly if not because 2x690s would bottleneck with this system for the extra £5000 and not bottle neck in a 3820 system for £500......

I mean its like a couple of i7 930s sat at stock and only using 1 thread whilst gaming.
Do many people who buy expensive workstations also use them for gaming :eek:

There are many uses for a powerhouse system like this without even considering graphical or gaming use. Those needing huge computational machines will be best suited to something like this, although as stated above, going quad-SLI will gimp the system.
As far as I am aware the Xeons do not overclock, so the max speed is as per the processor specifications.

Yeah and the quoted 2.8ghz speed is their turbo frequency, they just tootle along at 2ghz normally. Some of the higher end Xeons have a turbo of around 4ghz but your talking around £1500 for just 1 chip then.
OcUK are being *very* misleading by quoting the freq as 2.8Ghz IMO!

This is the lower end system that doesnt include the silly expensive chips or WC. 2.8GHz is what it will run at as both CPUs will be set in the bios to run at the max turbo frequency. Not miss leading at all. If its advertised, that is what you will get :)
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