Under 24 months you have no rights other than not be discriminated against, and typically you’ll be told it’s due to short term employment being under 24 months, then any noise after that is just fictional to give their legal teams something to protect themselves.
Here’s a couple of examples I’ve had:
1. Under 24 months, fired for “performance” yet i was awarded my top tier sales bonus pay for performance for the 5t consecutive quarter. Company closed the office the week after, relocating across the country, the week after the company itself was sold to multi-national.
2. Under 24 months, fired for “performance” yet just finished delivery, got all 27 pages of risks off the board’s radar, got a glowing thankyou from the CISO and head of risk.. but the SLT decided they wanted full control so my product teams got reassigned to the large operating company and I was left without a portfolio or job.. may as well fire him.
The role was in decline from 2 weeks before I joined when the CDIO was fired, the strategy changed from centralise to decentralise.. so the role only existed to for as long as the risk remained pre-delivery.
Under 24 months FTE is basically cheap contract work, and the roles are terminated at the drop of the hat rather than waiting and triggering redundancy.
It’s unfortunate- given the noise that companies complain they can’t find people or get ghosted - this is simply the reaction of treating employees like dirt.
Sorry to hear you got managed our, but remember it’s the role and not your value.