Uni results worry

28 Nov 2005
Hey, i worry about anything.

Anyways i have a referral on one of my first year modules.... so i have been given a 1st year result or "Refferred" or something

I have been given an "AB" on a group presentation so 0 marks which leaves that module on 38 which has led to the referral.

Anyways, i did that presentation with othes.. they all got marked for it. i never. i did a good job of it too.. so it seems more like an error that i have no marks not because im rubbish.

Ive emailed that particular women who taught us loads of times but to no avail.

Ive emailed the course leader with no avail yet... What am i supposed to do without resitting the whole year because of something ridiculous?!
Well my whole year is a referral it says.. overall result whatever.

I dont know.. im just a bit annoyed because i fairly did well in that group presenetation and everyone else has passed the whole module.

My heart skipped a beat when i saw no pass as the overall result... i felt a bit numb.. sounds silly i guess :p
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