Unison strike action.

It's worth noting that this ballot was started in October and the new package announced yesterday could not be considered.

Of course, now it is up to Unison to ensure they give all their members the full information on the improved package and time to consider before balloting again. What's the betting they don't, because fundamentally these strikes are about the wrong party being in power, rather than the actual pensions deals.
Well, being a school kid, I support it, and any extra days off due to a strike around November 30th would give me a nice while to revise for my english controlled assessment a few days later...
Although I can't really say I support the cause, bases on my own knowledge/views etc, and that's not just me hating teachers :)
Still though, a 29% turnout?
Tbh, I don't know really, only those at the top know everything
I still get letters from Unison here for someone that

A: Stopped working in a job that Unison was the union for before they.
B: Stopped living here about 7 years ago.
C: Had the letters marked as "no longer at this address" and put back in the post for the first year or so.

I'm not surprised if the "turn out" is that poor with that sort of admin where they can't even take an address off their list.
Well, being a school kid, I support it, and any extra days off due to a strike around November 30th would give me a nice while to revise for my english controlled assessment a few days later...
Although I can't really say I support the cause, bases on my own knowledge/views etc, and that's not just me hating teachers :)
Still though, a 29% turnout?
Tbh, I don't know really, only those at the top know everything

Unison don't generally represent teachers, but they do represent other individuals who work in education such as teaching assistants and cleaners, dinner staff etc.
I know that the teaching unions are supporting this strike too.

As a teacher I'm in two minds about being in a union. I am in the NUT, and if any allegations or problems were to arise I'd want them on my side. But when they balloted for strike action I voted No. I don't want to strike over pensions and it's not the children in my class's fault that the government want to change our pensions. Only one teacher out of 25 of us went on strike and school was open as normal.

So I guess I'm having my cake and eating it - I want their support if necessary but I'm not willing to support them - doesn't sit easy with me.

Don't know if I'm brave enough to not be in the union though.

Guess I'll see if I get the day off on 30th November - I won't be supporting a strike again but if our caretaker, cleaners and dinner staff all strike then we can't open. Guess I'll just be working in my classroom all day but without the children.
I still get letters from Unison here for someone that

A: Stopped working in a job that Unison was the union for before they.
B: Stopped living here about 7 years ago.
C: Had the letters marked as "no longer at this address" and put back in the post for the first year or so.

I'm not surprised if the "turn out" is that poor with that sort of admin where they can't even take an address off their list.

Lol, sounds very much like Labour admin.
Strike balot was prior to new offer, seems bizarre that the union reps can use this previous poll to afford strike action.
Surely a court challenge would overrule such gubbins.
Strike balot was prior to new offer, seems bizarre that the union reps can use this previous poll to afford strike action.
Surely a court challenge would overrule such gubbins.

If the offer was good enough, it would have been put to the union members again I'm sure. If someone robs you of £10, then gives you a pound back because he feels guilty, he's still robbed you of £9.
If the offer was good enough, it would have been put to the union members again I'm sure. If someone robs you of £10, then gives you a pound back because he feels guilty, he's still robbed you of £9.

Robs you?
That would be rob you using the taxes you pay and others pay on your behalf.
I have an average salary scheme, I make contributions of 11.53% of my monthly salary to the scheme.

It is a government scheme like any other. I think my scheme is reasonable. I'd say virtually all unison folks are on better schemes than me, and we cannot afford to keep going with final salary schemes. Something needs to be done, and thankfully a good long period of strikes, where folks don't get paid in the run up to Christmas will save the govt some much needed funds.
Shame it is just a day, and they wouldn't take a couple of months off. We should shift the deficit in no time.

New offer on table, members should be asked what they think, nit strike based on a question of an old offer.

There was only a 29% turnout and yet the motion to strike has been passed.

I am not a fan of unions, I think I have made it clear in the past :p

I am not however, against strike action if enough people feel it should be necessary (slightly contradictory but people need to be able to air their greivances)

Yet the fact that 29% turned out, I heard it was something along the lines of 60% in favour, so essentially around about 15% of people want to strike so our country gets shutdown. ******** disgrace.

Strike action should be allowed if more than 75% of a union vote in favour, not 75% of a ****y turnout.

Disgrace, but not at all surprised.
A couple of points :

1) Myself and two of my colleagues in my team didn't actually get a ballot despite chasing up that they had not arrived a couple of weeks ago. Only 25% of the Unison members in the team received a ballot, yet we count against the 1M+ who were balloted.

2) The improved offer from the Government came after postal deadline for return of the ballots.
Peter Hitchens just owned a Teacher in the Newsnight Audience on the morality of striking over the improved pension offer....

Which of course proves nothing but that Peter Hitchens is a chap who likes to intellectually bully people from his ivory tower without actually going out there and doing something moral himself. Do as I say not as I do and all that.

As for the OP well 29% is about as legitimate as what got our current government in and they are starting wars on that remit not moaning about pensions.
I still get letters from Unison here for someone that

A: Stopped working in a job that Unison was the union for before they.
B: Stopped living here about 7 years ago.
C: Had the letters marked as "no longer at this address" and put back in the post for the first year or so.

I'm not surprised if the "turn out" is that poor with that sort of admin where they can't even take an address off their list.

I still get post for the woman who owned the house before me and she's been dead 12 years... :o even phoned the company who said they contracted out the mailing phoned them and got an answering machine :(

As for the OP hmmm why dont they just increase pension payments. Mine are currently at 11.5%.
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