Universal EV Battery Health measurement

When have you EVER worked on a automotive battery?! Jesus.

Hindsight is an easy tool.

Why do we need AI, surely a Mash up of jpaul and Nasher knows all of everything ?

I don't need to take battery packs apart to see the stuff you work on is unreliable junk. The rest of it won't last long enough to run a battery pack down :D
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A lot of the roadsters have needed doing (the ones which didnt catch fire). So have Model Ss, so even newer ones.

So it's looking like 15ish years is the mark right now.
Can you quantify "a lot"?
What figures are we talking, as they only made 2,450 roadsters.
It’s utter nonsense anyway.

I think he is referring to the Model S/X EMMC issue on the infotainment which was fixed under recall for free at no cost to owners.

There is no specific degradation issue with Roasters, you just need to make sure you plug them in regularly so they don’t brick themselves. Thats been the case since day one.

There is also no fire issue with the roadster either. A building caught fire with a shed load of them in (twice) but that doesn’t mean the car was the cause of the fire. In fact in both cases the cars were not the cause of the fire.

The first fire was allegedly caused by an a person attempting to repair a battery pack which went very wrong and they clearly had insufficient safety protocols in place for that kind of work. The second was an electrical fault in the buildings wiring which burnt the place down.

As far as I’m aware there have been no roadsters that have ever spontaneously combusted which is the usual narrative.
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