University Club Site Help Please

16 May 2006
I've been thrown into the deep end because our previous webmasters graduated and didn't forfill his promise to complete the site. I'm the treasurer and looks like I'm also taking the role of Webmastering.

Here's the situation; we have a temporary site up, which isn't brilliant. It's made quickly with Dreamweaver by the previous webmaster. I'm trying to make it simplier, due to our not-so-techie minded committee members.

I'm only <----> this experience with HTML because I messed around with Blog Template building.

We have decent bandwidth and got our own webspace and address. Because of the extra process of downloading the files via FTP, edit and uploading it back to the server that's troubling some members.

I'm hoping someone can help me make it easy - say using Blogspot? I mean I can have a blog style site, just "create new post" after logging into the club's account. This will make updating new info easier. Trouble for me is, how can I use a made account on blogspot and allow members to log in and create a new post and have it up on our web address?

Sorry if it sounds complicated, but will appreciate any help with possible detailed explaination? Thanks.
I'll post something basic until someone with more knowledge can sort you out :)

If I'm understanding you right, you want some sort of blog/site where you can have a few people with logins who can post news updates etc? I'm not familiar with Blogspot but Wordpress either hosted at or installed on your server (providing it supports PHP and you have access to a MySQL database) will allow multiple logins/posters.

You can also add pages to the blog so that it starts to look like a website and all can be edited from the Wordpress admin pages. If the blog is hosted by yourself then you are free to mess with the theme and appearance of Wordpress. If you go for the free hosted Wordpress blog I think they charge $15 to allow you to edit the theme/CSS.

HTH for now :)
Okay, I've applied an account (and got a blog site, not sure if I needed that).

Anyway, where do I go from here?

I only managed to log into my server using Cyberduck. What do I need to get wordpress into my server and use it on our domain name?

I'm really really new at this and willing to learn. Any more help will be appreciated.

My server supports php and MySQL - least that's what I think seeing as within my server, there's a couple of folder holding scripts for them.
Eep no one else available to help out?

If your hosting allows PHP and MySQL then to get a Wordpress blog on your server and under your domain you will need to install Wordpress there. There's more information and download HERE.

I can't really help more than that, as I haven't setup Wordpress on a server, I've only seen the result and messed with the css afterwards :(

The account at won't be required as that's for the hosted version where they host it for could point your domain there for ease of use and if you can't get Wordpress running on your server.

Thanks for helping lightbulb;

I've downloaded the tar.gz file, unzipped it. I read the Read me and now I hit a wall, I'm suppose to edit the wp-config-sample.php with any word editor and enter MySQL user name and password - what user name and password? My FTP login?! or do I make up one?

Thanks again.

Edit: Don't worry, found the solution
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Damn thing don't seem to work.

I downloaded the zip, edited the config file.

Uploaded the folder "blog" into the server and I tried accessing the install.php on my browser and it kept on reporting item not fould, error 404.

Errm, any help?
I'm pretty sure it does - because one of the subdirectory has a wack of .php files - must have been left by the previous webmaster and it's a work-in-progress site.

Also, my host is paid for, 10GB webspace with 250GB bandwidth AFAIK -
If you are getting a 404 chances are the path you are using in your browser for the install.php might be wrong.

If php wasn't supported on the server wouldn't the php code be displayed? That's what happens on my host with a quick hello world script.

Just incase I'm wrong, you could upload a text file, image or text file to the blog folder and see if you can access that through your browser :)
Well, I'm shame to say but I'm actually gonna give in and take the easier route. I say easier, pfff.

I entered my details to wordpress 4free - where people of the support forum will help me set up wordpress in the server. Is all good, he'll set up a database and change some of my php settings - but there's always something in the way - our committee member's haven't a clue what our Host IS and Host passcode is.


Have to wait till tomorrow when our ex-president of the club might have it in his gmail. :(

Thanks for all the help people, appreciate it.
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