28 days is the claim period if you find cash and hand it in to a police station for the original owner to claim it. After that it's yours. Theft By Finding is the crime if you find cash and don't make an attempt to return it!
Still, who's to say that if you had no cash on you at the time, found a fiver, then won on a scratch card bought with it, that you can't then later that day hand in one of your own fivers to the police station as found property? I guess it's an ethical one... The original owner's chance of buying that exact scratch card at that moment is virtually zero again. An argument could be made either side but if you said nothing and simply handed in /a fiver/ at a later time, nobody really loses out?
Still, who's to say that if you had no cash on you at the time, found a fiver, then won on a scratch card bought with it, that you can't then later that day hand in one of your own fivers to the police station as found property? I guess it's an ethical one... The original owner's chance of buying that exact scratch card at that moment is virtually zero again. An argument could be made either side but if you said nothing and simply handed in /a fiver/ at a later time, nobody really loses out?