***Unofficial OcUK Minecraft Server - The Revenge***

Neil - just seen your question via the live map - I should be able to copy all your stuff across, will do it for you when i take the server down to do a few tweaks. Multiverse or a similar plugin should work thanks to a fix to IC2 getting rid of the machine rotation issue, so should be able to take the other server's map and copy it across.
Just an FYI - you can now create your own residences once again. Please use a wooden hoe rather than a wooden pick axe to select the points.

Also, do not place petrochemical generators, they do not work with IC2 1.97 and the mod creator won't update until 1.3.
Old server is still there, I plan on linking both worlds now that Multiverse works with the mods.

Default port = old map
new port = new map, new biomes.

Please could you add me to the white-list? My handle is 'MissileMoose'. Also, are you planning to keep Energy Condensers? Some people dislike them due to reasons which are quite obvious, so suggest that they be removed. But I personally think that it is, in a way punishing the people that like to use them.

At the end of the day though it's your server and your decision. I respect that, and thank you for hosing this for the community. I can't wait to see the different builds! :)

Please could you add me to the white-list? My handle is 'MissileMoose'. Also, are you planning to keep Energy Condensers? Some people dislike them due to reasons which are quite obvious, so suggest that they be removed. But I personally think that it is, in a way punishing the people that like to use them.

At the end of the day though it's your server and your decision. I respect that, and thank you for hosing this for the community. I can't wait to see the different builds! :)

Hey, that's you added! There was an original plan to disable EE items, but I think we'll leave it as is. If people wish to use it, they're more than welcome. The only thing that will probably be disabled once fully up and running again is RM tools. Far too dangerous.
Hey, that's you added! There was an original plan to disable EE items, but I think we'll leave it as is. If people wish to use it, they're more than welcome. The only thing that will probably be disabled once fully up and running again is RM tools. Far too dangerous.

Yeah, I agree with that in a way. I don't think the normal tools are too bad, but the Morning Star (?) is crazy. Isn't it a single right click for a 20x20 hole? You may also want to disable a few of the rings and watches. A certain watch can increase the redstone ticks per second, making opening doors and such, impossible. There is also a flying ring, while being expensive some people think it's overpowered. I don't mind it, but think it's too much like creative.

Anyway, I'm going to reinstall Tekkit and hop onto the server. :)

Thanks for whitelisting me.
We're not tekkit! Grab client125b.7z a few posts up. If you don't want to use mc portable copy .minecraft to your appdata folder and use your normal launcher.

edit: posted that from my phone, couldn't respond properly.

I probably will disable griefing rings etc, but leave the useful ones. Will probably keep the Swiftwolf (ring that allows you to fly) as again, some people like that for big builds.
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I'm looking to rent a server for myself and two friends to play on and wondered if anyone had any suggestions as to where to rent from.
Reason I ask is theres a lot of options and I dont know which ones to trust! :)
I'm looking to rent a server for myself and two friends to play on and wondered if anyone had any suggestions as to where to rent from.
Reason I ask is theres a lot of options and I dont know which ones to trust! :)

Honestly couldn't rate any of the hosts to be honest mate. I rent a dedicated host to run the servers off.

MC Port Central use http://www.creeperhost.net/ but for the price of a their top teir server, you could rent your own dedi box.

Failing that you and your mates will be more than welcome on mine, or if you want Tekkit, the official server.
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