***Unofficial OcUK Minecraft Server - The Revenge***

yeah one big room, sandstone and glass roof is what i was thinking.

was thinking of what we could use for lighting.

Got some rough plans for external structure and roof, but nothing solid will try and draw them tomorrow.

For internals im not 100% sure, you think it's best we have say the collection/afk point raised in the tower so we get as much of that 128 sphere inside as possible. then use IC cables/teslas to kill and pipes to bring the items up to the center.

maybe insted of the typical lots of squares with water troguhs and holes, we make the floors with similar squares but with water flows all leading to the center (so mobs dont get taken out fo that sphere as they fall). so each floor would look like a gently stepped bowl weith water flows in places, so they all spawn wonder to water get drawn to center where tesla coild/HV cables zap them then water pushes their items to transposers for collection.

could even put ice under the water flows to increase item travel speed.

also around the edge there were a few spawners (cave spider) reckon we should bring them i nwith rp frames? should

yeah definitely need farms, but need some ncie buildings to put them in and make them presentable rather than the ugly ones we normally end up with :p.

one thing i did think would be cool though is a large building of various sandstones that is a combination of the old Parthenon (so lots of pillars) , old ancient ejyption temples (so like pilalrs outside holdign a roof u pwith walls behind them maikign the inner building if you get what i mean.

but kinda in the shape of the Us capitol building (and out little hut) with a big glass topped dome in the middle.


then under that dome a great big fountain/statue over a circular pool, we'd have all the farms under ground then thier items would all be pumped up and spat out of transposes hidden in the statues, each statue relivant to the block type, so they rain down into the pool(like when we detached the pipes from the cobble gen and it spat blocks out), where transposes under the water suck them all up and send them to storage in one wing where we have stores/crafting tables and furnaces.

Pointless but nice and showy as if the items are gifts from ancient gods :p

Could have statues along the pillars on the inside and bring back that old lava behind half slabs in the walls lighting :D

to expand on this here some rough scetches will fill most of island.




(main pilalrs to be similar to the old parthenon ones but we can use slabs/cut blocks to round them further.)

will hollow out udner neath islnd for cables/pipe routing + farms/generators.

so syl and andy sicne most of the cehsts are you guys can we move everything into the test chamber (set up a residence there syl and give the usual permisions) and set u pthe chests.

Andy ithink syls old sortingm methjod was better atm everything is too spread out to make crafting easy.

then we can start leveling the area of the island to start working out sizes.

for the circular sections to tie in with the the spawner when you use structure planner it adds 1 to mke the central cross, we'll simply doubble this part up to two to make it so every thing can be even so (double door compatable) it lines u pwith spaewner.

i'll finish marking out the rest of the spawner shell now

had some ideas for the floors if we make water flows over ice between platforms then we can put uninsulated HV cables running Ec (2014v) through them which should insta kil lmobs water + ice will rapidly flow drops to central colection point via transposters on each floor.

items can then be broguht u pto a central afk/stroage chamber before being able to be shipped out via stroage trai nto main building (maybe make it so the player sits idle i nthe train in the center then once its full it does a loop to main buiolding unlaods then comes back so the player acts as a woprld anchor for the train.
Hey guys, hope the server is going ok. Only just got the wifi working down here so catching up on everything!
You know very well that I banned you, so why are you asking to be added to the whitelist? (Which we don't operate)
You know very well that I banned you, so why are you asking to be added to the whitelist? (Which we don't operate)

I asked because I thought there was a 3 strike policy, I didn't know there was no whitelist operating I just assumed because of the posts at the start of the thread, sorry.
to expand on this here some rough scetches will fill most of island.




(main pilalrs to be similar to the old parthenon ones but we can use slabs/cut blocks to round them further.)

will hollow out udner neath islnd for cables/pipe routing + farms/generators.

so syl and andy sicne most of the cehsts are you guys can we move everything into the test chamber (set up a residence there syl and give the usual permisions) and set u pthe chests.

Andy ithink syls old sortingm methjod was better atm everything is too spread out to make crafting easy.

then we can start leveling the area of the island to start working out sizes.

for the circular sections to tie in with the the spawner when you use structure planner it adds 1 to mke the central cross, we'll simply doubble this part up to two to make it so every thing can be even so (double door compatable) it lines u pwith spaewner.

i'll finish marking out the rest of the spawner shell now

had some ideas for the floors if we make water flows over ice between platforms then we can put uninsulated HV cables running Ec (2014v) through them which should insta kil lmobs water + ice will rapidly flow drops to central colection point via transposters on each floor.

items can then be broguht u pto a central afk/stroage chamber before being able to be shipped out via stroage trai nto main building (maybe make it so the player sits idle i nthe train in the center then once its full it does a loop to main buiolding unlaods then comes back so the player acts as a woprld anchor for the train.

Not been around for some time due to a few commitments, just recently I've played a little on the LT server with a vanilla 1.4.2 map which can be seen here: http://linktart.co.uk:9123/

Modded servers just make everything far too easy for my tastes, I've revived my Minecraft interest by playing vanilla, which with all the new additions has got more interesting. All the old gang seem to have returned so there should be no shortage of willing minions, the server lacks an epic scale mob spawner primarily for drops which with your meglomaniacal ideas could soon remedy. I've got a workshop setup at spawn and got a reasonable selection of materials to begin with. Most of the ideas you have already posted are ones we can use, I guess I miss the mindless digging, mining and building too much which I found very relaxing, having machines do the work for you is just not the same. Still scouting out areas for a spawner, deep ocean (less underground area to be lit up) with good radius of water to prevent surface spawns. Andy, Zumii, Nick, Trin and Dan are active and I'm sure would be willing to assist in an epic mob spawer, just don't ask us to build a massive underground cavern like before :p
heh, been busy a lot myself latley away most weekend and home late most days, will try to pop on and have a look soon.,
heh, been busy a lot myself latley away most weekend and home late most days, will try to pop on and have a look soon.,

In case I'm not around at the time, I've added your name to the chests (Lockette) so you can get equipped, the workshop is the red brick building within sight of the spawn point.
Both added.
I've just regenerated the map as we were experimenting with larger biomes last night - they were far too large. Since it has extra biomes i thought it may be cool to keep the default size to get as many choices as possible.

Have fun :)
Just by way of FYI on the 1.4.2 FTB mod server, try not to use the Rotatary Macerator, it's causing the random crashes. The server will hopefully be updated by the end of the weekend. If anyone's stuck I'll give you a Macerator and some overclockers!

Put a note on our forum about it, but just incase a few OCUK'ers don't check there.
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