unpacking the u2711

2 Feb 2012
first thing started a new thread for this cause theres quite a lot in this post.

well got home unpacked it asap and here she is in all its glory

couple of things i will say is "wow omfg awesome", rev a11 as advertised 507 quid!!! .packing is amazingly good, selection of cables, color calibration chart, disc etc.

went to pick it out of the box wasnt ready for how heavy it feels, the stand feels like it is made out off a lump of solid steel. stand in fact feels as heavy itself as my old 24 inch monitor.

it glides it slides it twists it rotates smootly and there is not a jot of movement in the base it feels set in concrete. cables all feel really nice usb hub connector attached for the card reader etc dual link cable is nice and heavy duty. fired it up selected input on the menu and BAM awesome screen

menu system is a joy so clear and nice touch sensitive buttons with blue leds that fade when ur nor near them and audible beep on touch but they remind me of my B&O glass hifi. go near them within a centimeter and they light up .

so the pics

the diference in real estate between a 19 and a 24 and the 27

is it worth 500 quid well so far without a doubt tbh i think thats good value.

vibrant color white is actually awesome ive turned brightness down a bit but thats all now for a prolonged test of diferent bits but first impressions

GO BUY ONE you will not be disapointed.

Thats 2.5 Catleaps :D

Sorry craarc, could not resist. Enjoy that Dell. Oh and what are you going to do with that 24" DGM which is a fantastic monitor?

lol m8 no prob i knew it was coming ....

yer i know its x times as much but the shear quality for me is worth a lot more than the diference.

anyway the dgm went bang finnaly bought it from oc in 200x whatever its just over 3 years old so it goes to show cheap monitors can work well

in all honesty if was an amazing buy at the time 1920 x 1200 and so cheap

only reason i bought the dell was cause the dgm went phut. and at the price i got it and a rev a11 version i beleive only out like a week or 2 i couldnt resist

now i have it it blows everything else ive had out the water with build quality

if it was **** at the price i would say so but, its cheap for what you get just from the feel of it etc it really is that good
So, what are you going to do with that broken DGM? I would have asked you by private message but you have not activated your trust.

was gonna pop it in the bin mate ur welcome to it if u wanna fix it or whatever and if u can brill i did an insurance claim on it anyway its sitting there looking all dejected
oop soz still aint got the hang of multi quote

not sure what the diference between the a10 and a11 is tbh broken89

2paul11 tbh the white is well white not bright but ive turned down the defaults on each i dont like glare or to bright anyway

so lets say on a all white page if you stare into the monitor u can see a slight color effect that dulls it slightly but hell with out that your eyes would fry ..

is as white to me as anything else ive used or rememebr recently and im only into my 4th hour with it but i dont notice a problem
I think it is against forum rules to talk about such things outside of the members market craarc. It was just that I have 24" DGM which has a faulty screen but the rest of the monitor is fine. It would be too much hassle getting it from you anyway so forget I mentioned it.
Can you set up your trust account craarc by clicking on the trust button on any of your own posts. Add an e-mail address to it and I will get in touch with you.

Thanks mate
sorted mate i think .. never seen that before tbh wondered what it was

btw im following the catleap thread with interest and it looks like more disasters to come in all honesty

i hope those guys who took the plunge will be happy in 2 years time or even less but i cant help thinking for the sake of couple hundred quid wait and buy quality ..

ask why oc havnt stocked them at a silly price im sure they would have done so .

not that im against a cheap monitor at a good price have done it b4 also but these catleaps will let people down im sure ..
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With trust enabled you get to use the members market (after the qualifying period and amount of posts) and I think if you link your forum account to your Overclockers store account you will get free shipping on any orders.
Very nice mate. A few more pics of the desktop. Maybe one with text as well ?

I am gonna buy one me thinks :)

apologies with the pics its on my phome and was doing it quic as i could so i got a lot of blur etc will try and get some good ones when sober also ......
I know this might seem like an odd request, but is there any chance you could do a full screen "Print Screen" and post the JPG. I'm interested to see how the font and icon sizes compare to the overall screen space. If you don't want people to see what you have on your desktop, I fully understand... some people don't.

It's just that I am currently running a pair of NEC 20WGX Pro 2 monitors, but due to recent circumstances, I am looking at moving to a single display. I'm just not sure if things are going to be too small for me to see properly, on that screen. I know you can increase the font size etc... but my experience with that, has been riddled with quirks. If things are too small, then I might have to look at the 24" Dell instead.

Edit: and only 507 quid?!? :eek: That's an amazing price!
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here this is on a spare os that i havent sorted the descktop out on yet

give u an idea of the sizes at default hope thats what you meant

That's great... thanks. I can scale that image up to full size, and then do a physical size translation, which should let me see exactly how it relates to what I am using now.
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