30 Sep 2017
New to unraid, ive had it installed for about a month now on a microserver Gen8.
Was all running fine. i had it installed from a USB. Anyway Some how the USB has
gone missing and when i reset my power i seem to have lost everything. had about 4tb
of data on my drives. Ive tried to start again with a new Bootable USB. However unraid
is asking me to start afresh and assign my drives again. I dont have a clue whats going on
or if ive lost my data. Hoping for some advise?

Yeah that might be a good idea. Yeah that is what i have done, now it has taken me to the initial setup and is asking me to assign my
drives. Didn't want to go any further just in case i make things worse lol.
if i re-assign my devices will that wipe the drives or will the files that were on the drives be accessible again ???
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