
17 Aug 2005
Gloucester, UK
ok just a few simple questions, i use an old sata1 drive to hold my linux downloads (iso) 4gb .

if i unrar to same hdd with files on it takes 6 mins, if i unrar to my raptor it takes about 2:50.

now if i get 2 sata2 drives and raid 0, would extracting onto themselves be quicker? or get 2 sata2 drives and extract 1 to the other?, as i dont wanna keep having to send to my raptor :)

thx in advance
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2 disks in RAID0 will be slightly quicker than extracting to your current drive but not much. The limiting factor here is that the disks have to read some of the RAR file and then move to where the extracted file is, write out the data and then go back to the RAR. When you extract to a different disk the source drive just reads out the RAR, the CPU can easily cope with expanding at that rate and then the target drive writes out the data. The limiting factor here is the speed of the slowest disk.

So in answer to your question if you want a disk layout which gives you the fastest unrar only then go for a pair of individual disks. However it seems like overkill to me just to save a few minutes unless you need some extra space too. Personally with the information given I'd just be extracting onto the Raptor and then moving the files back onto the other disk.
its always much faster extracting from one drive to another - RAID0 or otherwise, extracting to the same place is SLOWWWWWWW.

I got 2 x 2 Hitachi 250GB sata2 drives.

Copying an image of a dvd from one to the other, 4.37GB takes about 1 minute 5 seconds. If I were to copy the same file to the same drive somewhere else on it, it would take a good few minutes.
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