Unreal Engine 4 Super Mario Demo

Two threads on this already though in fairness I think they used different videos. That grass ain't half bad! What happened to the more traditional UE tech demos? I remember one ages ago the was a bit like Batman (think it involved assassins).
Two threads on this already though in fairness I think they used different videos. That grass ain't half bad! What happened to the more traditional UE tech demos? I remember one ages ago the was a bit like Batman (think it involved assassins).

This one?

Didn't know there was a thread on this, mods please merge.
Maybe one day Nintendo will make a console with some grunt under the hood to actually play decent looking games like this and go up against Sony and M$. Sadly, I doubt it and they will always make lesser capable consoles for younger gamers and gamers that enjoy a 'different type' of game that is always found on a Nintendo, by that I mean the cutesy, cuddly, colourful ones.
Not really, it's only the Wii U and Wii that have been under powered. All their previous consoles where more powerful than their competition, apart from the original XBOX.
Maybe one day Nintendo will make a console with some grunt under the hood to actually play decent looking games like this and go up against Sony and M$.
Why would you want Nintendo to do that? Don't you need a gaming console to sit beside your ludicrously expensive FMV player?
Unreal Engine 4 is great and all that, that scenery is amazing, the tessellation and the way the trees and grass move.. but looking at that I think Mario is out of place really.. the scenery is too good and lifelike, Mario belongs in a cartoon like scenery to fit in imo.

Zelda on the other hand.....

There are only amazing things to come with Unreal Engine, what a huge advancement... and the fact that is's FREE...

I mean look at this.. astonishing.

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tbh pretty boring landscape + added mario in. looks nice but look at crysis. pretty but boring as hell.

Unreal Engine 4 is great and all that, that scenery is amazing, the tessellation and the way the trees and grass move.. but looking at that I think Mario is out of place really.. the scenery is too good and lifelike, Mario belongs in a cartoon like scenery to fit in imo.

You guys do realise that someone has just dropped a Mario character model in to another Unreal tech demo called Kite? I say just, it probably took a tonne of work to achieve. And that "boring landscape" is some of the best real time landscape technology you can find today. You may find it aesthetically boring, you probably don't enjoy walks in the highlands, but to me it looks stunning and surely you can appreciate that this is cutting edge engine development.
You guys do realise that someone has just dropped a Mario character model in to another Unreal tech demo called Kite? I say just, it probably took a tonne of work to achieve. And that "boring landscape" is some of the best real time landscape technology you can find today. You may find it aesthetically boring, you probably don't enjoy walks in the highlands, but to me it looks stunning and surely you can appreciate that this is cutting edge engine development.

Yes I do realise it's the kite tech demo scenery, and it's just a demo with Mario in it.. I don't find boring at all, I think you took my post the wrong way I wasn't slanting it at all.. I think it's absolutely amazing and the future of gaming will be much more advanced.
Maybe one day Nintendo will make a console with some grunt under the hood to actually play decent looking games like this and go up against Sony and M$. Sadly, I doubt it and they will always make lesser capable consoles for younger gamers and gamers that enjoy a 'different type' of game that is always found on a Nintendo, by that I mean the cutesy, cuddly, colourful ones.

Why does that matter? Their consoles are aimed at a completely different market and they dominate that market. And why would they care about taking on Sony and MS? Whilst those two fight each other off, Nintendo sits back and enjoys success every year. Read this:


Maybe one day Nintendo will make a console with some grunt under the hood to actually play decent looking games like this and go up against Sony and M$. Sadly, I doubt it and they will always make lesser capable consoles for younger gamers and gamers that enjoy a 'different type' of game that is always found on a Nintendo, by that I mean the cutesy, cuddly, colourful ones.

lol they have over $10 billion in the bank... and that isn't from making crap that you see on the PS or XB :D
Yes I do realise it's the kite tech demo scenery, and it's just a demo with Mario in it.. I don't find boring at all, I think you took my post the wrong way I wasn't slanting it at all.. I think it's absolutely amazing and the future of gaming will be much more advanced.
Sorry that bit wasn't aimed at you, you didn't call it boring, I multi-quoted.
Seems completely out of place to me to be honest.
The gfx in these tech demos does look amazing, but when will actual game gfx ever look that good?

Crysis is 8 years old and looks fantastic.


I don't know if it's just coming from a vfx tech background but that Crysis screenshot does look old, even though it's from a relatively recent mod to the engine. Just look at the terrible textures on the terrain once you get 100m out from the camera. And the LODing on the distant trees.

It looked pretty at the time but I think Unreal is the CryEngine of today, it looks absolutely stunning, doing things that no engine can do. It even manages to deliver most of the effects at a performance cost that means mid-high end machines can still render at 60fps and look amazing.
You guys do realise that someone has just dropped a Mario character model in to another Unreal tech demo called Kite? I say just, it probably took a tonne of work to achieve. And that "boring landscape" is some of the best real time landscape technology you can find today. You may find it aesthetically boring, you probably don't enjoy walks in the highlands, but to me it looks stunning and surely you can appreciate that this is cutting edge engine development.

Seems like a lot of smoke and mirrors to me?

Does not look real. Looks like an over CGI'd film.

Anything in the distance looks "flat" compared to the foreground. Hardly looks groundbreaking.

I would dare say that the Arma 3 engine is more technically impressive.
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