Unreal Tournament 2004: modern alternatives?

Imho quake3 hasn't been beaten, but quakelive was more active.

Quake3>quakelive>quake>other shooters

I also quite like warsow, although player count is low it's great with bots or over Lan, I love the style of it.
The modern games graphics are just too much it loses the flow of gameplay for me, even ut3 was to graphically full.

Less is definitely more in these games.
The days of really skillful fast paced games are unfortunately long gone. It's about being accessible to as many people as possible so games are dumbed down to appeal to the masses of players and stream watchers.
The days of really skillful fast paced games are unfortunately long gone. It's about being accessible to as many people as possible so games are dumbed down to appeal to the masses of players and stream watchers.
Yeah completely agree jubei, the great days of these types of shooters are gone, seems money and whatnot have taken priority now.
The days of really skillful fast paced games are unfortunately long gone. It's about being accessible to as many people as possible so games are dumbed down to appeal to the masses of players and stream watchers.
Lots of people still player the older game still.
Is UT really dead? They still have the odd blog post and talking about lack of activity due to other released, surely they'll resume? I've downloaded it but there indeed isn't much activity, not many servers, downloading Fortnite too.
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