Unreal Tournament 2004

22 Jan 2006
anyone still play this, just played the demo and its Insane!

bloddy good just like quake 3 sort of action team DM and instagib

just ordered the full game, bargain @ £10

anyone still regular players?
i regularly play it, it's a great work out game since when you can find a good deathmatch server, there will be lots of skilled players which makes it even more satisfying when you own them.
It's a shame that the deathmatch style game is starting to die out as UT2004 and Quake 3 are both great games with lots of replay value and are instantly playable and fun.

Everyone should have this game really, and it's a bargain at £10
Just installed this a few days back.

Used to play it so much when it first come out over the net & Lan with mates.

Although now its quite hard to find a decent DM server, watch out for servers full of bots as well.

Make sure you head over to UTs website and download the Bonus packs and patches. Nice additions to the game. ;)
markyb said:
Just installed this a few days back.

Used to play it so much when it first come out over the net & Lan with mates.

Although now its quite hard to find a decent DM server, watch out for servers full of bots as well.

Make sure you head over to UTs website and download the Bonus packs and patches. Nice additions to the game. ;)

yeah, the Community Bonus packs are really good as well
I haven't played this game for ages, Excellent game may have to reinstall it aswell. Im hooked on BattleField 2 at the Mo.
Still playing it regularly and still making maps for it too, mainly for the Jailbreak mod though.

Theres a load of great mods out there for this game. Jailbreak being the best (imo)
I jump on Ut04 ons servers from time to time, love running folks over with a raptor

death from above !
AshFU said:
I jump on Ut04 ons servers from time to time, love running folks over with a raptor

death from above !

Dont get swatted by an AVRiL. :p ;) Have it easier on urban maps though, lots of wreckage, bridges and buildings to hide behind. :)
PinkFloyd said:
Shock > Avril on all vehicles.

Saying that Shock is lethal on anything

Doesnt track them or blow them sideways ;)

But yeah, some folk were complaining that the shock firerate was still being made too fast in UT2007.
I always loved the graphics on this game! I could play it at 1600*1200 max settings and it looked fab!
sr4470 said:
Doesnt track them or blow them sideways ;)

But yeah, some folk were complaining that the shock firerate was still being made too fast in UT2007.
It doesnt need to track them. I guarantee I can take outa raptor quicker with a shock than anyone with an Avril ;)
aah love UT2004, one of my favourite games (if not THE favourite) of all time :D

regularly play it with mates online, Onslaught is a great laugh after a few cans, as is deathmatch... pretty much anything tbh.
I boguht this also 2 after playing the demo again and getting excited about UT2007. but I prefer TribesV in some ways (love skiing).
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