Unreal Tournament 2004

Can anyone tell me what the icons refer to in the scorecard?

Obviously there is your name and the numbr of kills you make but Ive seen a few different icons (one looks like a small tank, another is an icon with a smaller number on it and there are others) next to that and I can figure out what they represent... :confused:

Edit: also up for a game sometime, mail / MSN me...
willthepirate said:
anyone still play this, just played the demo and its Insane!

bloddy good just like quake 3 sort of action team DM and instagib

just ordered the full game, bargain @ £10

anyone still regular players?

Yes I play it daily! :D It stands as my favourite ever PC game, and we even play the original UT at work every lunchtime without fail on the lan! :P
UT2K4 eh?

I am happy to say that this, as well as UT Classic are the only 2 games that I have on ALL my PCs.

UT Classic is was great ( still is ) because it will play fantastic even on a Pentium 1... I was playing it on a Cyrix 333 with SIS6326 Graphics then I upped to a Voodoo 1 and it rocked. 640x480 mind you, bu tthen I got a Voodoo 3 and an AMDK6 and 1024x768 was a reality... UT2004 plays just fine on an MX440, so *** quality of the coding is great too!

UT2003 was a bit of hit & Miss for me really... I loved some of it, hatesd the rest, but thank god, all the extras from 2K3 are transferable to 2K4 ( Well, install 2K3, copy the folder and then install 2K4 to the copied 2K3 folder and you have all the extras like maps etc

Is there a demo available for 2K7? - I really should have a look.

Anyway, me and my kids all have UT on our PCs and almost every day we have a frag fest for half an hour! - its the one time when the kids kick my butt and take their frustrations out on me for being such a hitler to them.

Aw bless.
IMO UT2004 does not have a patch on UT99, gameplay is so much more faster and addictive and there is a surprisingly big mutliplayer network still active.
PinkFloyd said:
No not yet, unlikely to come out until winter from the looks of it.

The release date for UT2K7 is Sept 09 2006

At least thats what I was told way back last year when I bought my copies... I bought 5 copies too! -So, as soon as its out, I have it ready for my LAN PCs Wohoo!

jm240 said:
IMO UT2004 does not have a patch on UT99, gameplay is so much more faster and addictive and there is a surprisingly big mutliplayer network still active.

What UT99 is better ot 2K4?

I think that they have both got their bonuses... I play them both.

As for the speed, I have found, that on slower PCs ( AMD K6 etc ) then UT99 plays just fine... Even large maps are good if you got a good GFX Card, and plenty of RAM, but 2K4 is a dog.... Yet, on much faster systems, the difference is much smaller, and 2K4 plays a tad better... Possibly the better coding thats more in line with newer hardware etc bringing it out perhapos, I dont know?

Either way, for me, the gam,eplay is better in 99 but the rest of the game is better in 2K4, and like I said, I play them both equally as they both have their own qualities that appeal to me.
FatRakoon said:
The release date for UT2K7 is Sept 09 2006

At least thats what I was told way back last year when I bought my copies... I bought 5 copies too! -So, as soon as its out, I have it ready for my LAN PCs Wohoo!

Its definetly not going to be that early. the release date keeps getting pushed back, before E3 they were aiming for winter, but at E3 they claimed the game will be released when its ready, aka they don't have a release date
It's awsome game. I installed it other day, I play it online a bit.. not a lot I tend to play something like Counter-Strike more. :)
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