PinkFloyd said:
No not yet, unlikely to come out until winter from the looks of it.
The release date for UT2K7 is Sept 09 2006
At least thats what I was told way back last year when I bought my copies... I bought 5 copies too! -So, as soon as its out, I have it ready for my LAN PCs Wohoo!
jm240 said:
IMO UT2004 does not have a patch on UT99, gameplay is so much more faster and addictive and there is a surprisingly big mutliplayer network still active.
What UT99 is better ot 2K4?
I think that they have both got their bonuses... I play them both.
As for the speed, I have found, that on slower PCs ( AMD K6 etc ) then UT99 plays just fine... Even large maps are good if you got a good GFX Card, and plenty of RAM, but 2K4 is a dog.... Yet, on much faster systems, the difference is much smaller, and 2K4 plays a tad better... Possibly the better coding thats more in line with newer hardware etc bringing it out perhapos, I dont know?
Either way, for me, the gam,eplay is better in 99 but the rest of the game is better in 2K4, and like I said, I play them both equally as they both have their own qualities that appeal to me.