Unreal Tournament 2007 E3 Trailer

17 Nov 2004
The Republic
Game play looks pretty fast paced as you would expect. Not sure if on first appearances it offers enough to make it look much different thatn UT2003 & UT2004 but I guess its more about the game engine on this.

Get the trailer here
From the gameplay movies I've watched, it offers pretty much nothing different in general deathmatch at least to what UT2003/4 do, just with far better graphics. From the vids though, it really does look basic and some of the models and movements look rather last-gen, but these are low resolution movies still, and can't really comment 100% on what I've seen without playing it at full res/detail.

As you've said, it's really about the graphics engine and how it can now be used on all sorts of things for the future.
Unless it gets back to the gameplay and fun factor the original UT had, which the last 2 completely missed in the pursuit of eye candy. The series will reach a point where people will just not buy it.

Maybe it's just the resolution of the video, but even the graphics don't look all that great. The explosions look very... plastic...
p4radox said:
Maybe it's just the resolution of the video, but even the graphics don't look all that great. The explosions look very... plastic...
The first thing I noticed was the explosions. They looked very very out of place.
Bear in mind this was produced for E3 so they are bound to give it a bit of the Hollywood experience
SCM said:
Unless it gets back to the gameplay and fun factor the original UT had, which the last 2 completely missed in the pursuit of eye candy. The series will reach a point where people will just not buy it.


Apparently this ons meant to be closer to the "feel" of ut99, though im sure ive heard them spout that crap before. :(
Watched the trailer again, "engage in tactical battles" ROFL thats a joke, unreal and doom\quake games basically equate to whoever can bounce about like a tool and still retain decent aim with the rocket launcher\ sniper rifle = winner.

Deathmath games are so old its not funny, take doom 3 and quake 4, theres hardly anyone playing their multiplayer component. I think iD really need to pull their head out of their ass and stop rehashing the same crap and epic need to stop saying "omg this r play like UT99" when its obvious it won't
Gerard said:
Apparently this ons meant to be closer to the "feel" of ut99, though im sure ive heard them spout that crap before. :(

There is no UT99 it is just UT!!!!!!!! That really is one of the things that gets my back up as it doesn't need numbers added and whoever thought of that bright idea should be forced to play UT2K3 for life :p

Looking at those shots the game will not look like that on normal systems as they showcased the game on a quad graphics card set up last time. Hence it looking good to the eye.

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Saying that it should feel like UT(99) sounds a bit stupid to me really. The only way they could make a game truly like UT would be to just not bother making a new one and simply release UT again. Sure it would have nothing new, but then again no one seems to want anything new if they're crying out to play UT again.
The only people calling it that are the new players of the game, as ask any old school Uter what it is called and not one of them will add 99 to the end. It is not called UT99 it is just UT, and was released as such.

There is no way anyone will get confused re 2k3 and 2k4 as UT beats it hands down for gameplay and fun :p As eye candy does not make a game as they found out with 2k3 and 2k4.

Personally its not the game itself im looking forward to, its got to be the tools that are coming with it, I would love to see what people come up with, and they are probably going to host another make it unreal contest meaning there are going to be things being made.

I think its almost showing defeat when it says that it will feel like UT. Its like saying UT2003 & UT2004 were pap(well they were in comparison)

I think it will be the "toys" that come with it that will make it. Im sure the modding community will have a field day
looks ok, only reason im getting it is to do some mapping anyway, i loved working with the unreal engines since unreal1 came out :) , lost its spark with ut2004 though, i just though to myself, why continue putting all this effort in if noones gonna be around to see/play it anymore? :o hopefully ut2007 gains some sort of playerbase, but i doubt it, looks like a redone version of ut2004 to me :(
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that guy scared the crap out of me!, it looks nice ish, but gameplay seemed a bit slow and juddery in the vid :confused:
I think it looks good but then I prefer jumping around like a tool and shooting people, bf2 put me right off proper team play games because the bloody thing was so unstable it kept crashing and really wound me up. Hopefully Quake Wars will redeem team play for me though.
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