Unreal Tournament 2007 E3 Trailer

DaveyD said:
From the gameplay movies I've watched, it offers pretty much nothing different in general deathmatch at least to what UT2003/4 do, just with far better graphics. From the vids though, it really does look basic and some of the models and movements look rather last-gen, but these are low resolution movies still, and can't really comment 100% on what I've seen without playing it at full res/detail.

As you've said, it's really about the graphics engine and how it can now be used on all sorts of things for the future.

there not releasing UT2007 for a tech demo of UE3.

The movement in UT2007 is near enough the same as UT now, they have removed the double dodge, kept the normal dodge and wall dodge in, oh and double jump.

UT2003 was flawed, but you cant really blame Epic for that, they took the game over from Digital Extremes and had to improve a already crappy game. If you remember the leaked UT2003 build that was out ( 927 ) that was DEs last build.

I personally think that UT2007 is going to be a v.good game, but it wont be as populer as UT as deathmatch type games have been dead for a while
Thing is UT wasn't really well liked among a lot of clans for DM action, the CTF side of things was always the more popular of the mods in the game for a lot of clans. Clanbase is still running loads of UT cups during the year in all CTF mods and a lot of clans moved back to UT from 2K3 and 2K4 as for CTF these 2 games were very poor indeed.

As huge maps that looked good to the eye don't make for a good clan war when it is 5v5 especially when you can't see players against some of the backgrounds. I said at the time when 2K3 was released they weren't going for online play but aiming for huge LAN events, that it was abysmal, wouldn't last and boy did the fan boys on the official forums attack me for that view, well guess who was proved right then about 2K3 bombing badly :p.

I have played from Unreal onwards in the clan scene and nothing released after UT, bearing it's name, has come anywhere near what Unreal and UT had for the clans. Fun, gameplay, fast action and something that you would go back to play again and again. If they can't get this feel back to the game then i think Epic will learn a harsh lesson, as the community will not accept a 3rd crap game and will not buy it.

FishThrower said:
there not releasing UT2007 for a tech demo of UE3.

The movement in UT2007 is near enough the same as UT now, they have removed the double dodge, kept the normal dodge and wall dodge in, oh and double jump.

UT2003 was flawed, but you cant really blame Epic for that, they took the game over from Digital Extremes and had to improve a already crappy game. If you remember the leaked UT2003 build that was out ( 927 ) that was DEs last build.

I personally think that UT2007 is going to be a v.good game, but it wont be as populer as UT as deathmatch type games have been dead for a while

I think it's not just a tech demo, but it will seem that way to a lot of people, as it's going to be generally a lot of same old, same old, with high polygon counts, better textures and more fancy effects going on, with no real evolution in the game mechanics. I'm all for deathmatch, as I still think it's one of the best multiplayer types. It will no doubt be an enjoyable game, I will just have to wait and see how good it really is.

I saw Doom 3 as more of a tech demo personally also, as it was a mediocre game using a fantastic game engine, which has spawned/will be spawning great future games.
DaveyD thing is the last 2 games have really only been tech demos for the new engines and if they try it again the remaining UT community will vote with their wallets. As unless they can get back the old gameplay, fun factor back Epic will learn a harsh lesson when sales aren't as good as expected. As i know myself as a UT player i want fun and gameplay over eye candy any day.

I know, if they were any better than just a fun deathmatch style game, I probably would have played them a lot more and probably more competitively, but didn't appeal enough to me for that. We'll have to wait and see what kind of success this game really is, and if it does draw UT enthusiasts either back or from current UT games, and also getting them buying new hardware to run the beast.

I guess a lot of politics would be involved in the backround of the development of the UT games, as selling rights to the actual engines brings in a hell of a lot of cash for the owners of the engine rights, so as long as the engine sells, UT can continue, though this is just random thoughts from me, no idea what truth would be in it.
And that trailors supposed to be high-quality ? :)

It obviously dont match the screenshots will have to wait and see properly when it arrives...
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Dunno why everyone is slating UT2004. I thought it was a big improvement over UT2003. In fact I dunno how you can 'not' like it seeing as it has just about every game mode there is (plus mutators), and loads of maps to go with it. Even single player is good cos the bots are actually decent.
This should be shweet, now I like that the maps are going to be quite big, I really think this is the way forward, the mode with vehicles was the best in UT2004.

Also the I love Tribes, Tribes V was made with the UT2004 engne and was a good but a bit limiting as the maps were just not on the scale of Tribes2.

Now with this engine, Tribes4 will be the shizzle.

Also HUXLEY. Nuff said.
Sirrel Squirrel said:
That trailer is not high def

edit meant high quality/

Nearly all the info out there suggest UT2007 is getting back to its routes with how the original UT played....

I didnt see anything too bad with UT2004, but I reckon with quake Wars and BF2142 both coming out around the sametime its gonna be hard to choose, QuakeWars looks awesome :)
DanMc07 said:
ive never played UT and have no idea what its about. but from the looks of that video it just reminds me of Q4 halo etc :confused:
UT was the competing deathmatch game with Quake III Arena at its time of release I believe, personally I found Q3A the more desirable, though UT had a lot of nice team based games that Q3A just couldn't do, or try to do.

UT2007, lke UT2004, from the initial basics, has the basic deathmatch and CTF modes as well as the vehicle game modes also.
skullman said:
Dunno why everyone is slating UT2004. I thought it was a big improvement over UT2003.
Its getting slated because it may be better than 2k3 but its crap in comparison to the original UT.

warren_1979 said:
Just out of curiosity do people still play UT? That was such a fantastic game, if theirs still a fanbase I might be tempted to load it up again.
Its still popular, with the latest opengl renderer the graphics have upped a notch too.

FishThrower said:
kept the normal dodge and wall dodge in, oh and double jump.
Err how does that make it more like UT?
FishThrower said:
take it you never played UT and UT2004 properly?

lol how do you play a game "properly"? Thats the most stupid thing I've read in a while tbh. Every gamer on the planet plays a game differently to another player, so playing it "properly" in your case wont be the same as me playing it "properly" either.

ps wall jumping, dodging etc means nothing if the person whos aiming at you has good reactions, your dead anyway ;)
When i say properly, I mean are you experienced. Double dodge makes the gameplay a lot more distent and hitscan, if they removed that, which they have done in UT2007, its more in your face like UT. in UT2003\4 it was really easy to run away with double dodge and the help of the shield gun, so it makes combat a lot longer and boring.

edit: also removing double dodge is a massive help to the mappers as well, its really hard to get the scale right in UT2004 because of the movement, the levels had to be open so you could dodge, but the player scaling in UT2003\4 was flawed, the models looked tinywhen you made the rooms bigger, so it looked like you were shooting ants
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FishThrower said:
When i say properly, I mean are you experienced. Double dodge makes the gameplay a lot more distent and hitscan, if they removed that, which they have done in UT2007, its more in your face like UT. in UT2003\4 it was really easy to run away with double dodge and the help of the shield gun, so it makes combat a lot longer and boring.
Not sure who you're asking that question. If its at me then its a big yes. Just because they have removed double dodge from 07 doesnt make it more like UT. They've left in the wall dodge and double jump, so you're still going to be bouncing and floating around the map.
You could do some wall tricks in original UT with dodging though but not to the levels the newer versions introduced. Hard to do but possible for the good players.

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