Unreal Tournament news on the horizon!

Happens all the time in CTF. Winning teams reaches 5-0 and the losing team has about 2 players left.

What's even more ridiculous is a gold 9 player joins and the server puts him on the team that is already winning 3-0.

New players can create their own servers which is great, but the menu UI is hardly the most intuitive and this server hub business is odd. Why not just a long server list like the old days?
Happens all the time in CTF. Winning teams reaches 5-0 and the losing team has about 2 players left.
Ok thats a shame if that's what you are experiencing. I do wonder if some players are unaware of the change team button at times. The low player count is certainly not helping.

What's even more ridiculous is a gold 9 player joins and the server puts him on the team that is already winning 3-0.
Although it has been in development for a long time, I think it's important to remember that we don't normally get to play a game this early so a lot of features that will come are still missing or broken. I get frustrated too with many aspects of the game (e.g. OP flak and enforcer).

New players can create their own servers which is great, but the menu UI is hardly the most intuitive and this server hub business is odd. Why not just a long server list like the old days?
I think the hub system is very good, although like you say, the UI still needs work. There is still a server list available but players do seem to lean towards playing on the hubs.
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